Nichts mehr bestellen?
Hi, ich kann in letzter Zeit nichts mehr bestellen. In einer App kommt auftrag fehlgeschlagen und bei der anderen App auch. Ist irgend etwas mit mein Telefon oder ein Virus, da die klarna Zahlung etc. immer fehlgeschlagen wird?
They probably found out you’re 15 years old.
And at least Klarna is out of date.
Since everyone gave you the helpful answer. I have to give it to you
I often work with KLARNA and never had any problems. However, if KLARNA has found out that you are not 18 yet, it will probably be there. Must pay on another way.
I don’t know where to order, but I can advise you to order it without Klarna, but with card. I often have problems with Klarna.
Just try using a “normal” PC on the website.
I have always been on “warm foot” with such APPS, as these have other functions than orders via the website directly.
Then it is probably the payment service provider who wants nothing to do with you.
First of all delete all app files and cache. Then try again.