Nicht zur Schule müssen?
Hat wer eine Idee was ich meiner Mutter sagen kann das ich nicht in die Schule muss?
Ich habe panische Angst vor der Schule weil ich von jedem ausgenutzt und ausgeschlossen werde und bin auch schon mehrmals vor Panik auf der Schultoilette zusammen gebrochen.
Danke schonmal im voraus.
Then talk to your parents and school. You don’t go to school, you’re making yourself punishable. We have a statutory school duty. Your parents also neglect their due diligence when education is failed, which is why always.
Hello, I’m about the same problem as you, honestly, I’ve often just shampooed but I can give you the tip just to talk to any teacher or just keep your parents talking about it. Because of the panic, maybe you should be in therapy.
Good luck 🤘🏼
Have even told the school line and it happens nix.
Did you tell your parents?
Instead of driving your mother into impunity (because you have a duty to visit), you can also simply search for the conversation and start a therapy
You have to wait 6 months for a therapy site
So go up to the waiting list and discuss with parents and teachers how to tackle the situation until then
We were even at school and it’s not happening.
For the first time, I’m really sorry for you, but you have to tell your mother time and maybe change the school as soon as possible. Good luck
My mother knows about everything but she meant school change brings nix.
What you need to know to help you here:
What’s going on at the school you’re so scared of? Somewhere else you wrote about sexual abuse. But, if that’s the case, maybe you didn’t tell your mother everything, because many don’t?
Or your experiences were not taken seriously?
On the other hand, there is a question of what happened to you. We don’t know, you write, you’ve been exploited, but we don’t know what happened.
And what else you’re so afraid of.
Changing the school would certainly help if it was due to the behaviour of the pupils, provided this is exceptional.
if you come from berlin I can recommend 1-2 therapeutics:)
Berlin is 10 hours away from me unfortunately