Nicht zur Schule gehen obwohl nicht krank?


meine ganze Familie ist aktuell krank. Coronatests sind auch positiv. Ich habe aber nur leichte Halsschmerzen und bei mir war der test auch negativ. Meine mutter meinte ich soll trotzdem zuhause bleiben. Ist aber blöd weil morgen der letzte tag vor der arbeit ist welche am dienstag geschrieben wird. Ich würde gerbe gehen, meine mutter und freunde meinen ich soll zugause bleiben. Was meint ihr?


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3 months ago

You better stay home.

Incubation time and so…

The risk is too high.

Signs of your school the exact location, then they should have understanding.

If you should go, keep distance and wear a FFP2 mask.

3 months ago

I think you could have put on you stay home

3 months ago

Coronatests are also positive.

What tests? The antigen quick tests do not even show if you actually have Corona. That’s just by the way.

You have to decide whether to judge your mother or not. If you think the school visit will help you, go.

Personally, I would not go to school at all regardless of sick or not sick, but that is another issue.

Greeting Matti

3 months ago

Neck pain can have many causes. The hour might be important so go quietly.

You can go home right after the hour. Tell your teacher that your whole family is sick and you’ve got a sore throat.