nicht vegan, Bio Produkte?


ich bin irgendwie durcheinander. Vegane essen ja nichts mit Tieren, also auch nicht Eier, Joghurt, Milch, käse usw. aber tun sie das wegen der Gewalt gegen Tiere, oder gibt es da noch ein anderen Grund? und können sie nicht Produkte essen die vom Tier sind, aber dem Tier nicht schaden(z.B. Bio Produkte)? Und kann ein Mensch wirklich komplett vegan/vegetarisch leben?

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2 years ago

You try to find a sense in a meaningless ideology.

veganism rejects ideologically any use from animals no matter whether it makes sense or not.

You must not take the honey from the bee but poison it with pestilence in plant cultivation.

Organic animal fertilizer is therefore not used vegan.

or is there another reason?

Indoctrination, lack of knowledge about agriculture, lack of willingness to differentiation.

And can a person really live completely vegan/vegetarian?

No vegan is not 100%. For example, knochenleim is used for the production of high purity copper and thus makes any electronics unvegan.

2 years ago

Living vegan means living as much as animal welfare free. You don’t want to hurt the animals so most of the vegans make it because of the animals there are also other reasons like health. And organic products to the animals may be a little better, but for example dairy cows are still forced to eat and the calves are taken away after birth. Besides, whether organic or not in the end, they land at the same slaughterer. What I want to say is that organic is not completely free of animal suffering. To your last question, there are many people who have been vegetarian or vegan for years and they are not worse than others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Burggespenst71

Milk cows […] they are taken away from the calves after birth.

This does not apply to Demeter Höfe.

2 years ago

For various reasons, vegans dispense with the consumption of animal products such as meat, dairy products, eggs, honey and other ingredients derived from animals. The most common reason is ethical, because many vegans are against the exploitation and damage of animals for human use. Other reasons for a vegan lifestyle may be concerns about the impact of animal husbandry on the environment, health benefits or religious or cultural beliefs.

Although there are some animal products, such as, for example, organic milk or eggs, which can be produced without direct damage to animals, vegans also avoid these. This is because in many cases these products still contain the use of animals for human purposes, such as breeding, captivity or milking.

It is possible to lead a healthy and balanced vegan or vegetarian way of life as long as one takes care of getting enough nutrients such as protein, iron and calcium from plant sources. Many people have been feeding themselves for many years and enjoy good health and well-being. However, it is important to be advised by a doctor or a doctor to make sure that one covers its nutrient requirements when converting its diet.

I personally started living vegan by eating a burger, a vegan…

2 years ago

The reasons are different. This could be your own physical health, environmental protection, animal torment, incompatibility etc.

“And can a person really live completely vegan/vegetarian?”


2 years ago

Yes man can live completely vegetarian and vegan. And that even without problems, if you get a little bit into it and not subject to your belief that you should only eat grass and stones at once.

And organic products are not necessarily better when they are animal products. Bio means only that the animals have a minimal amount of space to move and thus I mean a minimum of more space and that something different food must be given. What else is it? The fact that the animals are all in the fresh air at organic sites + have plenty of space to move, etc is a womble picture. This applies only to all the fewest farms and that is then Demeter as organic.

The fact that the animals are slaughtered far too early at the end is only that we have our pleasure for 2 minutes, but the same is the case with every form of maintenance. And that’s not what vegetarians or vegans want. You just don’t want to die the animals for these two minutes of enjoyment. Of course, there are still much more factors that play pure why and why one eats vegetarian or vegan but the exploitation of the animals is with the top point.

2 years ago

Some can, but most probably not.

2 years ago

“And can a People really live completely vegan/vegetarian?”

Sure. He goes to the supermarket and specifically buys products where he thinks he wants them.

For All people I can’t. How do you want to process the soil in India if they are no longer allowed to strain the oxen?

Veganism is a problem of prosperity. If there was a famine, or if everyone had to cultivate their own food, many would realize that they do not want to eat grass and would rather use an animal that converts the grass into milk, meat, feathers or tensile force.

2 years ago
Reply to  nynmn

The one can be the problemless. And does not harm the climate excessively.

2 years ago

Which animal product does not harm the animal? This is done directly or indirectly, even if the animal does not die directly during production.

Vegans think it is unethical to use and exploit animals. Good attitude is then consistently no alternative for them.

And there are vegans who do not eat animal products because it is waste of resources – for environmental and climate protection reasons.

2 years ago

Vegetarian life is easy.

Vegan goes too.

But also for bioworm you have to hit a pig dead