Nicht satt geworden, ist sowas fair?

Wir kriegen jeden Mittag übrig gebliebenes Essen das dürfen wir halt nehmen, normal werden davon immer alle satt

Heute waren auf 10 Angestellte nur etwa 1 kg Reis über, großer Topf mit Gemüse und eine kleine Pfanne Hähnchenfleisch

Beim Gemüse und Hähnchen mussten wir uns zurückhalten und halt 100 g Reis .. also im Prinzip war es ein kleinerer Teller voll für jeden.

Wir hatten alle keinen Bock mehr nach dem Mittag weiter zu arbeiten, also putzen, aufräumen und für den nächsten Tag weiter vor zu arbeiten, wer soll davon satt werden? An anderen Tagen ist schon deutlich mehr über gewesen das noch was mitgenommen werden konnte .

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2 years ago


You write yourself that you have left food and eat it.

There is no guarantee that food remains every day.

And what does the food have to do with your work?

You will be paid for your work so you still have to continue working.

Tip: Always take something to eat at home and if it is only 1 bread and 1 apple, then you always have something to eat.

By the way, not every AG is so cunning and gives away food.

I have to pay my lunch on my work quite normally.

1 year ago
Reply to  komanwe

yes, but if it is not over, you have had bad luck,

2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

Yeah, it’s okay to eat leftover food, just wrote that you shouldn’t leave.

2 years ago

We’ll have dinner left every noon and we’ll take it

That’s nice of your employer. If, however, it is certain that it is not a wage supplement in the employment contract.

Therefore you have no claim to it.


2 years ago

Every day, about 828 million people are starving worldwide.

And with “hungry” it is not meant that their employers only make a small plate available to them today.

So to your question whether it’s “fair”: It is unfair and shameless to complain about it. The fewest people get anything from their employer at all, and a large number can’t even afford something themselves…

2 years ago

If I get it right, you get what’s left for free.

In principle, it’s simple.

You have nothing to claim. Everything you get is basically given.

In fact, you would have to give this monetary advantage even in your tax return.

Why you’re whining anyway, don’t let me go.

2 years ago

You get a reward, and the remaining food is just a cunning? Then you should keep your part of the deal and work. In other companies, the workforce is even expressly forbidden to consume remaining food – it is better to throw away!

2 years ago

Usually you are responsible for your care. That you can eat the remnants is nice, but certainly not right.

2 years ago

Instead of being happy and thankful that you can eat the rest so, here make a refusal to work.

I hope your boss gets it with you and then forbids you to eat the rest.

I’m sorry, but it’s just terribly unharmed.

2 years ago

That’s just a kindness from the boss he doesn’t have to do that! There’s more and less!

2 years ago

You’re paid for work, with money. Everything else is generosity of your employer. There have been court judgements where someone has been cracked because she has eaten a remaining piece of cake. So stop complaining and do your job!

2 years ago

That’s fair. Just because what remains does not mean that you always have to. If you don’t mind, there’s nothing. You have to take something with yourself.

2 years ago

The staff who eat with you at lunch had a little more appetite today. You don’t have a claim to the enraged food….you can only owe it to your boss who allows it.

Richly unharmed by you to ask here whether there can no longer be cooked for you!!

Take yourself, or take a bread with or fruit for the next day, then you don’t want to be hungry and can continue to work.

2 years ago

Let you register as a catering participant, pay your obulus and eat until you are satisfied.


2 years ago

Well, there’s left. What are you suggesting? What would be fair?

2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

Can safely organize for payment.

2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

What is usually the case, as you say yourself.

2 years ago

Nothing has to be planned for you. This claim is unharmed. Just tell your employer I’m sure it was the last time you were allowed to eat there for free.

2 years ago

Yeah, I get it. I just don’t think it’s unfair. It’s bad luck.

2 years ago

Good proposal… but the FS doesn’t seem to know.