Not only are my speakers broken, but now my PC is also broken? Suddenly, there's no sound. What should I do?
Last night, while listening to music on my PC speakers, I unplugged the speakers because they froze during playback. The speakers don't have an on/off switch. When I plugged them back in, I unfortunately discovered that the speakers were broken. The power light on the speakers no longer lit up, and I've tried everything, but I can't get any sound out of the speakers. The speakers are Logitech.
I just turned on my PC for the first time today and noticed that there hasn't been any sound on it since last night. My PC and headphones are paired, but there's no sound. Is the PC broken too? What should I do? I just built my PC half a year ago. It's a gaming PC with the latest hardware, which wasn't cheap at all. I hope nothing's broken.
Would be very grateful for help
passt ja alles gut zusammen.
Da hast du hoffentlich nicht den Soundchip “geschossen”.
Bzw. Dessen Spannungsversorgung.
Am besten du versuchst erstmal die Audio-Treiber neu zu installieren.