Nicht jeder kann sich ein Studium leisten, oder?
Was ich damit meine, nicht jeder hat Eltern die für Unterhalt etc. zahlen. Und naja so lange kein Einkommen zu machen, oder nur sehr wenig durch Minijobs, das garantiert doch Altersarmut?
Gerade in meinem Fall, ich bin 24, ich müsste zuerst abitur schaffen, und dann erst studieren. Und dann wäre ich vielleicht mit 30, oder noch später fertig. Und bis 30 noch kein Vernünftiges einkommen zu haben, rächt sich das nicht mit Altersarmut? Und nicht jeder studierte verdient danach das doppelte oder dreifache des durchschnittslohnes.
Sonst würde es sich lohnen klar. Aber eben längst nicht jeder verdient danach das doppelte und dreifache.
Ich glaube nicht ,dass sich studieren für micht lohnt oder?
I didn’t, and I still studied.
That’s what I already had, of course, made studying easier.
In addition, I didn’t have the Attitüde to keep looking for obstacles that block my way.
but what if you don’t know what?
That could be found.
However, each of your comments makes the impression of me, you just want a confirmation that you have no other chance than the rest of your life of the citizen’s money, that is, living at the expense of others.
Yes, cheerful of citizens is living.
Find a training place in the field of crafts and learn a better two foreign languages (English and Spanish). And after completing your training, go to a corresponding country with one of these languages. As a qualified craftsman, you have very good opportunities to work abroad and to live well with it, as qualified craftsmen are sought abroad and can earn them well there, especially if you do yourself there. I know who have become a millionaire in the USA, Canada or elsewhere.
No, it won’t work.
Why 🤔
Play lottery and fill out the civic money application, then on the one hand have chances to become rich and on the other hand your rest ☝️ 😜
Such a nonsense. They don’t earn anywhere else.
The training is to make you and then settle with your secret letter abroad ☝️
And buckling for minimum wage? Neee.
Then do something in the hotel/gastronomy industry …
Because I’m not really crafted?
Whether it’s worth studying, you shouldn’t stick to the financial. It’s just to see if you can get the job you want to do.
But as a rule, the professions that can be obtained with a degree are sufficiently well paid that if you enter a pension with 67 years you do not need to worry about old age poverty even without the full 45 years of contributions. And if you do, you’re working longer because academy professions usually don’t break one so that you can’t work anymore.
As for the financial lantern of study: You’re going to have a job and continue to do it until you get to the school. So save your salary for your studies. Otherwise, there are bafögs and study loans and it is not forbidden to pursue a job in addition to studying in parttime.
then you work 80 hours with study.
Who can read is clearly in the advantage: I said in parttime work alongside the study.
40 h labor costs for study and 10 to 20 h work time do not yield 80 hours.
In addition, you have the freedom at any time to make less per week for studying and to draw this for more semesters.
Sounds like a great life with 67+ still working.
Why are you doing this at age? Why 67 and not, for example, 55 or 45? Hey, no one has Bock to work for too long, we can definitely agree on the statement “toll life with 40+ still to work” and ask for the pension with 40…
The pension is a guarantee against age-related inability to work. So that no one has to carry himself to work with three by-passes, discs, and osteoarthritis, to be able to afford the roof over his head.
It’s absolutely right for people who can’t work anymore to whistle on the desired retirement age and let them retire at 50 if necessary! That’s the point.
But in my view, it is not the sense of the thing that fit people are laying down the work and touring on state costs with the camper through Europe, just because they have reached a certain age. Okay, let’s do it for me if the pension funds are full and we don’t know where the money is.
It’s not like that. We’ll have to change the pension. We cannot raise the contributions, nor can we further reduce the pensions. What then remains other than to reduce the duration of the pension cover and/or the number of pension beneficiaries? Or do you think that if necessary, the money for the pensions must be picked up by the tree?
I don’t understand why with an ever-increasing life expectancy and much more rising fitness and health at the age everyone thinks it’s a sacrilege to retire later.
Very simple: Because it is a necessity. You don’t get what you need for life, so you need money, so you do what you get money for.
Is just like a chain of needs like breathing or that you have to use a means of transport in any way if you want to travel a longer distance. Or that you have to stick to the football rules if you want to participate in a football tournament. No punishment.
Then he’s not supposed to work. It’s his right!
It is, however, also the good right of those who have to forgive an apartment or what to eat, to wish for a return in the sense of a universal exchange, a cash, and to leave it otherwise.
Just just you said that not everyone wants his life to be work, that work is a punishment. I thought you wanted to justify not working to avoid this punishment?
What’s so crucial with 67 than with 65?
And that today’s 67-year-olds are on average much more fit than 65-year-olds 40 years ago, you seem to have been completely angry? That we also have people with 50 more broken than others with 70?
Why do we lay a 50-year-old mason who is simply broken is, stones in the way when he wants to retire, while with a topfit 70-year-old, who is now looking for anything from violence so he doesn’t get inactive at home, is completely self-evident that he gets retirement?
If it is not clear enough: I have already had a problem alone with the idea that the age, a pure number that is increasingly losing practical importance in life, should be more decisive than needs and practicalities.
Well, the moment you want money and want to meet the conditions for it, you want it? That’s a choice you meet.
Who else should be responsible? For those who do not want to support a child until it can stand on their own legs, the condom was invented.
Why should work not be punishment? It is not even possible to offer for every 4 days a week with less hours. Not everyone wants his life to be made up of work.
It’s like you can’t sit at home with 35. I find 67 to the pension too much. You should leave it at 65. You don’t have a comfortable life without work and are forced to apply for things you don’t even want because you don’t get any more money. You should revise this and not force the parents to support students.
You could just stop spending money for unnecessary shit. Why are people punished for the state not dealing with money rationally?
Just because people get older, it doesn’t mean that they have to be punished for more work. I can’t imagine it’s supposed to be a beautiful life if you’re almost just in work.
Both correctly, but suppresses parts of truth, namely
*Party-politically he does everything right, he puts what he promised his constituents or what his party stands for. It means that the smallest coalition partner in all senses puts in the decisive veto and thus blocks government work.
Except for the AfD, the cash registers are empty.
And every day, there are more strange people who have never worked here and who do not want to do that.
Well, they’ll see what they have when they chose the AfD in government responsibility…
If there is any citizen’s money at all for people who have never really worked and have not even a vocational training….
Then leave it and raise civil money. Can you figure out if it’s more for old-age poverty?
I’m tired of this discussion. You just don’t want to have answers, you’re looking for excuses. That’s not what I got. Nice life.
but I don’t want to call, I’m all indifferent.
To make the job you want to do that you could not do without studying.
What is also in the first paragraph of my answer. Didn’t you read, did you?
Why is studying good?
I can’t do that.
For this, Bafög or, if necessary, the Bafög-Amt sues your parents to get back into the advance payments they gave you.
I guess there’s been something suboptimal before. But better late than never.
With a FH/DH-Bachelor you have good chances to get a job -> mostly 7 semesters. For a master, you need more than 10 semesters (ok, possibly a “after-semester”). And you talk about 12 semesters…
If your job is only about a degree, then do the study.
I can’t do that anyway.
As I said, it can be created thanks to Bafög, especially if it’s just about the FH/DH-Bachelor. If you don’t want to, do a training. A buddy of mine learned after the Abi financial assistant, where explicitly senior skills are required.
what if I get the benefit of the disease? Then I’ll hurt myself if I get “healed”?
I just wrote. You can also change the job!
Sorry, but for me you’re finally a troll.
If you’re really psyched, for example. You have problems, if you have. Training/studium problems do, go to the ones, as repeatedly said, finally!
what are there for professions where to do diverse things?
Huh? I’m an E-Technical Ing. and now develop software. The great thing about studying is that you get a very broad knowledge, so that you get many different. Things can do. Know even physicists who are PR bosses etc.
I don’t want to be on a job.
Yeah, with more basic psych. Problems they can’t help, you have to work yourself and first diagnose what you really have and then do.
tja, even those can not really help, unfortunately.
Then go to career advice and stop wasting your and also my time with such question-answer ping-pong games. I just can’t know what interests you. It is necessary to clarify this in a personal conversation with you, for example. the professional advice.
Evtl. you have more basic psych. Problems etc. you should address.
there are many professions, but what is realistic?
Then go to the career counseling look at Youtube “rewards” & Co. and do internships.
I don’t know what I care about.
In a compartment what a) is offered at an FH/DH _and_ b) fits to your preferences and skills, which you unfortunately did not have in the OP and best supplemented there.
What exactly?
No, a FH/DH-Bachelor would be a good solution.
Finally, it’s too late.
Without Bock, you can’t do any training or study. Then you have much more basic problems you should worry about.
No shock.
Almost everyone can study in Germany.
It doesn’t prevent anyone from studying next to work.
It is also possible to make good money with more than thirty, but it is necessary to relocate more for pensions.
Well, you have to be able to make 80 or 90 hours for that, and not everyone can do it healthily.
So you have 30 h (75 % part time) to 40 h work plus 20 h study together 80-90 h work per week?
In the case of computational competence, you might want to leave it with Abitur and studies.
In general: A study is not necessarily what for people who are looking for excuses why this and that might become difficult and then write it as impossible. Rather for people who find the way they somehow get it.
I don’t even know what to study, there are so many study subjects.
I think you want to study, or you wouldn’t ask these questions?
If you don’t want to study anyway, don’t you care if there were problems when you were studying?
Yeah, but study for what?
If you take some useful from your studies, it’s worth it for you. I don’t think about the pension or something, and I’d just take care of myself. I’m not letting myself be held up by the nonsense to do something I want, just because I’m supposed to be missing years of work. I have something better to do than sitting in an athlete for 40 hours a week and probably up to 70 or even older.
No, you wouldn’t be worth it
Agility threatens, right?
It’s already
or hard
Man could work in a factory
No, it would still be worth it.