Nicht belastbar und zuverlässig?


ich gerne mal eure Meinung dazu !

Ich bin in der Arbeit 3 mal zusammen gebrochen und danach immer tagelang ausgefallen der letzte Zusammenbruch war eine Panikattacke in der Arbeit danach war ich 3 Monate krank ( es ist eine angststörung festgestellt worden )

arbeite in der Pflege

gilt man als unzuverlässig und nicht belastbar für den Arbeitgeber ?

und kann deswegen ein Arbeitszeugnis schlechter ausfallen ?


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1 month ago

Of course, you’re not stressful when you’re anxious. Just like someone with a broken leg is not elastic until the break is well cured.

The central factor is that you take care of getting the appropriate treatment. If they do well, you can learn good strategies in therapy to deal with your anxiety disorder or even overcome them completely, then you will also be reloaded professionally. And in such a therapy you can also discuss with the therapist and consider whether and where it may need professional changes so that you can cope better there.

1 month ago
Reply to  Liggdan

From an employer’s point of view, you can’t plan with you. So, not in the sense that you decide to do this yourself or have it in your own hands, so is no misconduct on your part. But if your superiors write the schedule, they can’t assume that you’re there at the planned times, because you’re able to fail short-term and unplanned due to illness. This also makes it so important that you take care of a therapy! And actually, it’s almost better for all sides if you’re permanently ill-written until you’re fit again…

1 month ago

Of course, you are considered to be unloadable and, of course, the work certificate can become worse. Is it logical? You might want to find another job.

1 month ago

Certainly, because any new employer must be informed what he is buying.

Good improvement.

1 month ago
Reply to  Liggdan

It is not for that, but for the constant inadmissibility and for the many failures, the AN is now in responsibility.

1 month ago

I’m sorry, but you’re obviously not resilient and unreliable.

Become in proper treatment.