Neuwagen oder gebraucht Wagen?
Ihr sucht für euch ein neues Auto, was sucht ihr da bevorzugt? Der Preis spielt natürlich für jeden eine andere Rolle aber auch Gedanke, da ist schon jemand mit gefahren, das will ich nicht. Berücksichtigtder ein oder andere!
I have always bought leasing runners, which were on average 36 months old, which is good at leasing runners, that the cars are usually more well maintained, as the previous owners have to pay more attention to the car because of the return.
The built car usually has a certain loss of value behind it that you have to consider in a new car.
If you’re buying the car from a person who’s been sensible with it, you don’t have to worry. Once a preparation is carried out and the vehicle is clean again.
From 4 years it is interesting.
I usually buy something that is 10 years old and has 110k – 170k kilometers.
It’s easy to go for 4-6 years if you know what to watch at the car. And always from MFK.
Switzerland: Motor vehicle control
With you the TÜV?
Whenever I buy a car, I insist on the retest… No matter if it’s only six months ago, In Switzerland, I’m sure I’ve got a rideable for 2 years 😀
The exorbitant loss of value in the first years is allowed to finance others. In this respect, leasing runners can also be interesting, especially as a company car with identifiable MWSt, especially since most of them have very good equipment.
A used car would be interesting to me. Because he’s much cheaper. At the moment, I still have my car that I bought.
Always wanted a new car as a child, but if you make a used car clean with a wet vacuum cleaner and drive it for 2 weeks, it feels like you have the car forever.
There has been no new car for about 10 years, which corresponds to my taste.
I’d rather buy something. 15 years old cars in the best possible condition
From 3 years, the strongest losses are gone.
As I stand on older cars, there is no other question 🤷🏼 ♂️
You can also leave 40-50k on your own.