Neues Netzteil für PC?
Ich kaufe mir ein neues Netzteil und wollte mich erkundigen ob dieses Netzteil gut ist oder ihr mir ein besseres Netzteil in der ziemlich gleichen Preis Klasse empfehlen könnt 180-220 Euro maximal und mindestens 850 Watt am liebsten wäre mir aber 1000.
Das Netzteil das ich nehmen will/wollte wäre das Asus ROG Strix 1000W Gold-Netzteil
a beQuiet Pure Power 12 750 Watt is sufficient for the setup. You can also choose the 850 Watt version.
Hello yes at the moment it is not enough for me to upgrade
Depending on the upgrade, 750 watts are still loose
The RX 7900XTX does not consume more than 350 Watt, the processor 260 Watt. If you calculate 100 watts for the rest, this is still enough
but not at nem i9 14900k and a 4070 or a rx 7900xtx
It’s good if it has a 12 volt plug. GPU
Unfortunately, I don’t know how much power a RX 6750XT wants to change to a 4070 or a rx 7900XTX
You can see on the web page from the graphic card manufacturer and from the net part manufacturer whether the hooks have connections, in case 12V
I also have 1000 watts. I’m equipped.
old power supply is broken and I will keep buying high end components therefore
Why do you even want 1000W?
That’s a lot
What would you say to that?
thank you
I am sure
okay are 12V standard?
There you don’t need 1000 watts, with 750 watts you are more than sufficient
750W in the future never reach a 4070 and later at an i9 14900kf
The 14900KF swallows like a hole (and if a sensual upgrade from 13700F is sometimes made), but with ner 4070 no problem at all
850 watts are loose, but the power supply leaves.
12 volt plugs
thanks to me
Thanks what would you say to this power supply