Neues Auto kaufen sinnvoll?

Ich wollte mal nachfragen was die Nachteile sind wenn man sich ein neues sprich ein auto vom Autohaus finanzieren lässt ob dies sinnvoll währe

zb ist es sinnvoll direkt nach der Ausbildung mit einem Gehalt von 2.700€ netto sich ein neues auto zu holen ? Ohne das man sich in den 3 Lehrjahren was gespart hat ?

nennt mir einfach paar Nachteile

weil ich bin einfach der Meinung das ist schwachsinn sich mit 21 ein neues auto zu kaufen

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1 year ago

This depends not least on the external circumstances. If you live in Munich and pay €1700 net rent, this is something different than if you still live at Mutti.

And then, of course, it’s still the question of what car you want to buy. A new car for 20, from me from 25,000 € is something other than a car for 80,000 €.

I honestly would never buy a new car because the loss of value in the first year is just huge. Therefore, I would buy a maximum of an annual car and make something different with the saved money. 👍

1 year ago

I would recommend you to save at least half of the money and then see if there is 600€ per month. Or what advice, insurance, fuel would make. You can put this on a monthly basis.

Disadvantages is the loss of value

It is not your car but that of the bank

Come into financial problems, the car is quickly gone

1 year ago

Well, a new car has the greatest loss of value.

From a financial perspective, therefore, it is absolutely not sensible.

But if you can afford and want, don’t talk about it.

But without reserves, I wouldn’t finance anything. Because if what should be with the car and your fault, don’t pay for anything.

1 year ago

The car is quite expensive in the pond as a starter with full-cass.

Especially in boys it is not rare to drive a scratch into the car, which annoys you when the car is brand new.

You can better invest the money, for example for your own apartment.

Finance = make debt. Debt making only for a status symbol is not recommended.

1 year ago

The loss of value is like tearing notes.

So, most importantly, if the money shoots you out of your ears in a rich stream and you want everyone to come along with it.