Neueres Motorrad umweltfreundlicher?
Ich wollte mir eigentlich ein gebrauchtes 125 CCM Motorrad zum anfangen kaufen, habe dann aber darüber gelesen wie schrecklich Motorräder scheinbar für die Umwelt sind, und dass die neueren Motorräder, die sich an die Euro 5 Norm halten, deutlich besser sein sollen. Jetzt kostet aber das gleiche Motorrad von 2021 mit einem Co2 Ausstoß von 47g/km locker mal 800€ mehr, als ein kaum gefahrenes von 2019 mit 50g/km. Meine Frage: Machen die drei gramm überhaupt einen Unterschied? Oder bezieht sich die Euro 5 Norm auch noch auf andere, nicht genannte Gase?
Definitely! With the currently valid Euro 5 exhaust gas standard, the toxic gas emissions have made a huge jump down, they are now on the very low passenger car level. The Wikipedia article as a document I have already inserted in the other topic mentioned.
Euronorms relate to toxic substances such as HC, CO or NOx. CO2, on the other hand, is not a toxic substance, and is therefore not restricted by the Euronorm.
Doesn’t make any difference of the bit change the environment any more, so if you choose the greens you have to take the newer one but if not it doesn’t matter completely. There are so many motorcycles and cars that are still driving that are much older than yours from 2019
So no fear.
What do you mean how much CO2 is created when you melt the 2019 bike and get a new one out = the 3g less make the NIEMALS back up!!!
Take the old and you BIST a climate hero
Age in the United States every night hordes of trucks with running engines are around so that the driver can continue to operate his air conditioning, TV, microwave and refrigerator during the break. In NRW, the Greens have cleared the Hambi and brought a coal power plant to the grid. You will not turn off the climate catstrophe with the three grams.