Neuerdings esse ich jeden Tag 1 Stück Schokolade (10 g, meist Zartbitter) manchmal (selten) auch 2 Stücke – wie schädlich ist das?
Normalerweise ist es Zartbitterschokolade mit 72% Kakaoanteil…manchmal aber auch Vollmilchschokolade mit 38% Kakaoanteil (von der sind es dann nur 6-12 g am Tag).
Womit muss ich rechnen?
Sollte ich damit lieber aufhören?
Umgerechnet wäre die erste Variante ja eine Tafel (100 g) Schokolade innerhalb von 10 Tagen bzw. 3 Tafeln im Monat.
That’s rather healthy. As long as you do not take too much sugar and possibly bad fats (e.g. added palm oil), you should even continue this. You can also eat more than one or two pieces. Buy good quality chocolate and enjoy it!
these are “healthy” quantities… differently it would be if you were to “plate” every day… but 1 to 2 rows per day is even relatively healthy… just have to see that your calorie chance is still in the lot, otherwise you take over short or long. 40g tenderbitter chocolate have about 200kcal. that’s not exactly a little.
40 are never. in normal case 10, so then about 50 kcal
Hello Mutantensack, 👋
that is not harmful at all.
something dark chocolate is even healthy.
That’s not too much, don’t worry.
Not at all.
No, why… there’s no reason.
I eat almost every day 2-3 bars, dark
Chocolate. That’s not a problem either. 🥳
LG 🙋🏻
I eat whole milk until a pound a day. I’m almost 70 and still fit like a gym shoe. However, I have up to 3 tables/week normality.
Sparkling tastes like Vaseline on bread, no matter how healthy it should be.
I mean, if you like something, you have to taste it
Chocolate with strong dosage is very healthy…. If it tastes you should definitely keep going
This isn’t harmful, but healthy, because it’s just spicy chocolate that contains substances that your organism needs
Not harmful, it hasn’t killed anyone yet.
do I think chocolate kills tens of thousands every year? next to chips, etc.
with nothing.
You have to know.
This is very healthy when you take a chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Scientists have found that 7 g (pure) cocoa promotes health daily.
You will survive