Neuer “Freund” von Mutter schmeißt mich raus?

Hallo. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

Meine Mutter renoviert den Garten und der Mann findet meine Mutter wohl sehr attraktiv. Jedenfalls hat er gesagt meine Mutter muss fast nichts zahlen, wenn sie sich mit ihm trifft zum kennenlernen. Ich hab meiner Mutter gesagt sie kann es ja mal versuchen da sie schon so lange Single ist seid mein vater gestorben ist. Ich hab sie dann überredet und sich hat sich mit ihm getroffen, sie sagte mir er ist nichts für sie und mal davon abgesehen ist er viel zu jung. Ich sagte ist ja ok, aber sag es ihm auch. Das wollte sie nicht..sie möchte sich weiter mit ihm treffen bis die Gartenarbeit fertig ist und ihn dann wegschicken, weil sie nicht für die Arbeit bezahlen will. Ich war sauer und sagte das geht so nicht. Er denkt ja das sie mehr von ihm will als treffen und hängt wie ein kleines kind an ihr, er ist ja auch 15 jahre jünger. Das kann ich auch nicht ertragen. Jedenfalls kam ich heute nachhause und meine Couch im Zimmer war weg, ich frage meine Mutter was da los ist und sie sagt der freund hat es mitgenommen, ich gehe raus zum Garten voll aufgebracht und sage wo meine Couch ist und er sagt ja er hat sie jetzt mitgenommen weil da soll sein kind künftig einziehen. Ich war sauer weil mich niemand gefragt hat. Heute abend ca 19 uhr meinte er ich soll jetzt sofort ausziehen er hat gar keine Lust auf mich und ich soll nicht zwischen meiner Mutter und ihn stehen. Meine Mutter, voll in ihrer Blase, sagt ja so hat er das nun mal gesagt also so ist es, die 2 Nächte muss ich mit ihm im Bett verbringen und du willst uns wohl nicht zuhören.

Ich war so sauer hab die Sachen gepackt und bin zu einer Freundin, ich kann aber nur bis maximal Freitag bei ihr bleiben, weil ihre Eltern dann vom Urlaub kommen.

Ja ich bin über 18 aber noch in schulischer ausbildung und habe kein Geld, ich habe schon vor längerer Zeit nach 1 zimmer Wohnungen und wg gesucht aber im Umkreis von 60km ist alles besetzt

Ich erkenne meine mutter nicht mehr, sie war nie so, generell nicht mit dem thema männer

Danke für eure Ratschläge

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1 year ago

In such a case, I also do not think of any other way than to do anything to finally take off. Start to establish contacts. Maybe you know someone who’s willing to help you and you could move in. That would be a possible solution.

I also know this situation about myself. It is simply uninhabited to arrange with the new partner of the mother.

I’m very glad to finally have my own four walls.

1 year ago

As long as you are in training, you are entitled to orphanage and maintenance of your mother. The gardener can’t take your sofa with you without your permission, you should clarify it with your mother,

Even if he is 25 years younger, your mother may fall in love with him, but that does not allow him to have you and your property for a long time.

In doubt, the Youth Office helps you because you are still in training.


PS: Are you in the basic book?

1 year ago

Mannomann, that must not be true.

Turn on the youth office. Now! By the way, your mother has to provide your maintenance. If a lawyer is to be hired (advising costs are available at the local court’s request)

1 year ago

I moved out during my training – using BAB. Let’s go.

Otherwise, I can only say watch classifieds or in the newspaper. Maybe there’s an apartment. Or you are going to a friend whose parents have understanding 🙂

1 year ago

Go to the youth office, even if you’re over 18 years old. They’ll help you. If you want to move out, your mother will have to pay you maintenance if you are still at school and you will also get the child’s money. I’m sure you’ll get a half-waisen pension from your father, which seems to be your mother. Then you should have enough money. Find a room in a WG.

1 year ago

1.Now turn on Youth Office. Since you’re still going to school, it might still be your responsibility.

Two. See that guy right away. He has neither rights nor power over you.

And your mother can’t just throw you out, just because you’re 18!

“Sharf” I think she wants to encourage you to spend two nights with the guy in the same bed.

I don’t understand. In DEINEM bed? The guy’s living in your neighborhood if I understood that right. He must have his own stay.

And where did the couch come? Why is it gone at once after he moves in? I’m not looking right through that.

But one thing is certain: you have the right on your side. That’s why again: Show him on the usual way and your mother, as she doesn’t leave you any other choice, at the youth office.

This is an emergency, they have to get an accommodation for you right away. Your mother has to pay you maintenance plus the child benefit she receives for you.

The management of legal matters, so I assume, handles the Youth Office in your name. Contact the office immediately in the morning. Then you get help and reliable information.

I strongly urge you to find an acceptable solution for you. Good luck!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sterntaler927

the jugendamt may still help her with maintenance calculation, but an accommodation she has to look for herself. she will need to apply for bafög and must contact the jobcenter to take over the cost to bafög pays.

an ad doesn’t bring anything here, because mutti can make with her things what she wants and can put children in front of the door with 18 easy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Liverpool1

Sorry, but that’s nonsense! The “child” is still in training. She can’t just throw him out. Especially in this case, she must pay maintenance for him.

I think the mother can do things with YOUR things she wants, but not with SEINEN in SEINEM room.

Besides, it sounds like she’s keeping the child’s money and the orphans. That’s NO money!

1 year ago
Reply to  Liverpool1

But it must pay if the child is still in training.

1 year ago

If you’re under 21, you can go to the youth office and go for help for young adults.

Otherwise, go to an emergency aid agency- Caritative organizations and the church offer something like that and if not, then they can at least advise you where to turn.

Your mother must have a “settler” about this man. Probably she’ll come down again in the foreseeable time, but then I’d show her a long nose in your place– so about “son funded mom” is no longer…

1 year ago

beautiful family!

  1. Your mother is a slut when paid with (view to) sex for gardening
  2. As long as you’re in training, your mother has to worry about your maintenance.
    1 year ago
    Reply to  horribiledictu

    if it cannot financially it does not have to

    1 year ago

    Yes I am over 18 but still in school education and have no money, I have been looking for 1 room apartments and wg for a long time ago but within 60km everything is occupied

    This means very likely that your mother will have to pay her maintenance in money instead of natural. You’re under 25, right? This goes to Düsseldorf’s table. In addition, google how to redirect child money to you. See if you can apply for housing or are entitled to social housing.

    Cheap accommodation if you can’t stay with friends (may the girlfriend ask her parents if you can stay a bit?): Airbnb or Monteurzimmer. Alternatively, see if you get help from the state.

    1 year ago

    tja you are 18 and she can just throw you out if she wants it. If you are still in full school or education, you can apply for bafög for you first. you need the incoming documents of your mother. if she can’t pay any maintenance, you’ll get full bafög. you’re turning off and redirecting to you.

    turn to the jugendamt and explain your situation that you were thrown out and then first to the jobcenter and apply:

    • Citizenship
    • cost of accommodation in reasonable height
    • Renovation costs
    • initial equipment
    • deposit loans
    • cost of transport if necessary child benefit_ba031880.pdf

    1 year ago
    Reply to  sallas3

    then turn to the homeless help for a temporary space

    1 year ago

    Go to the next police as soon as possible. Shields your location, they turn on the youth office and the rules.

    1 year ago

    they don’t. child is adult

    1 year ago

    Show your mother’s friend. When he dumped DEINE Couch.

    The guy has nothing to tell you

    1 year ago

    Your mother has to pay your maintenance, you have to make it clear to her.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  sallas3

    I wrote to you in my answer, where you should go in the morning.

    You have to pay your maintenance as long as you go to school. Do you have your own account? This is what the Youth Office regulates for you. They can also cause the child money to go directly to your account.

    As regards your maintenance, it is legally obliged to do so. If she doesn’t, she’ll have consequences. Look here.

    Criminal Code (StGB) § 170 Violation of the maintenance obligation

    (1) Those who are deprived of a statutory maintenance obligation, so that the life requirement of the dependant is at risk or would be endangered without the help of others, are punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  sallas3

    What are you paying for?

    If you’re renting an apartment, you need money, right?

    1 year ago

    I just corrected your answer

    1 year ago

    You have to tell the child, not me.

    1 year ago

    since child is in school, children must first apply for pupil bafög. then it is checked whether mutti has to pay maintenance at all – child money and bafög lower the maintenance amount

    1 year ago

    Where are you sleeping now?

    1 year ago

    Somehow it doesn’t make any sense…

    1 year ago
    Reply to  ZenOh69

    what you don’t understand: mutti has a new one and the daughter is disturbing. so he blew her out

    1 year ago

    You’re going to the youth office tomorrow. They’re helping.