Neue zahnspange bekommen?
Hallo ich habe heute eine zahnspange bekommen ich dachte ich kriege die ganz Normalen jetz habe ich was komplett anderes bekommen ich will die Arbeit von zahnarzt nicht schlecht reden jedoch habe ich irgendwie das Gefühl ich habe eine falsche bekommen könnte mir
So I guess that’s exactly what your pine orthopedist wants to do with you. Have you never talked about it before?
Brackets on all teeth will certainly still come – the slanted teeth will surely still be straight.
You may know what this midel means
This is a autumn hinge. The lower jaw is thus pushed forward.
Why do you think you got a wrong one? The doctor certainly explained why this type of brace is necessary with you or what problem should be solved with it?
If you don’t, I’d ask your place.
Because 1 in front my teeth are quite slightly sloping 2 I have lower garkein tooth which was too much as above
And why do you think this is the wrong brace?
Then ask the doctor why a normal brace would not have been enough.
because I think I don’t need this chip, but have another one of the above
What’s different about your brace? I think you’ll get the Breckies in front.