Neue Synvia Internetverträge bei Deutsche Wohnen: Ist das legal oder kann ich klagen?
Hallo Internet!
Wer aktuell bei der deutschen Wohnen mietet hat sicher auch schon den Brief mit der Umstellung des Internetanbieters bekommen. Mein Mitbewohner und ich sind etwas ratlos. Wir waren mit dem Vodafone Vertrag sehr glücklich, jetzt sieht es wohl so aus als ob wir für weniger mehr für u seren Kabelanschluss zahlen müssen, auch weil monatlich “Miete” für die Fritzbox dazukommt. Auch ist scheinbar die Nutzung anderer anbieter gar nicht möglich. Darf die Deutsche Wohnen uns überhaupt zwingen deren Internetanbieter zu nutzen? Hat jemand Erfahrung, Ideen oder anderen input? Lieben Gruß
Fact is: From the 1.7th onwards, the additional cost privilege is eliminated. If you also use your cable TV can for television, you need to take care of the operation yourself. So far this was part of the additional costs.
If you still want to stay with Vodafone, log in to Vodafone and book the corresponding performance.
If you only realize the internet connection via the cable box, you don’t have to pay for the TV connection.
Why an additional rent for a Fritzbox should be included because of the omission of the additional cost privilege, I do not decide. There is no connection – unless you change your internet contract.
At the cable connections of Vodafone you can book a fare of another provider, for example from o2.
More information is available here: costprivileg-that means-the-off-fuer-ihr-kabeltv-53330
The network level 4 was probably already assigned to Synvia in advance and has so far been financed through the additional costs.
Since this is now forcibly omitted, this service must be paid directly in the future.
Thank you. Yes we want to go on the Internet via the cable connection, not a TV. Vodafone has already announced u d it is also not possible to get back to this provider, even with Pyur we have already tried. Deutsche Wohnen wants for the router 10€ shipping plus 6€ mtl. in addition to the 45€ internet package. We find that absurd.
If there is no other connection (access medium such as DSL or LWL) in the apartment, you can already have to complete with this provider.
The reason is that Deutsche Wohnen has probably concluded a contract for operating network level 4 with Synvia. You have to complete a contract with this company or the can in the apartment is sealed or clamped.
So experiences and ideas in such things usually have consumer protection organisations, there are in many cities.
It’s about cable TV?
That’s what you can do with Vodafone, right?
Just for cable internet, we don’t have TV at all
She can’t force you, free choice is still given, shouldn’t join the tenant association, German has already a bad reputation
Providers may already, but Synvia will be the operator of network level 4 there and must therefore be paid.