Neue stoßdämpfer nach 350k km?
Ich habe einen alten sharan aus 2004 er ist sehr viel kurzstrecke und lang strecke und plus viel beladung gefahren, 350k km alles bisher noch original domlager und stoßdämpfer,
Ich will jetzt neue stoßdämpfer und domlager einbauen, von bilstein B4 ist der vorher nacher unterschied deutlich und was für unter schiede merkt mann?
Ich vedanke mich im vorraus
You know
340tkm against new Bilstein, that is clear difference and the feathers I would also make the same with
The whole vehicle can be driven more precisely.
After 350k Km, the dampers are over. The driving behavior becomes more silent.
Just changed mine after 160K because a spring was broken. I made the dampers and the dome camp. My car is almost like a new car.
Should I necessarily change the hit buffer or do not penetrate necessary
The parts should not be so expensive. And if you’ve already upgraded the damper, I’d change them. They’ll be cracked sometime.
Yeah, you can see. The old ones are completely finished after performance.
At the same time, you should also make the coupling rods and the crossbar bearings
Should I change the hit buffer with or it is not necessary
If all this is broken, you will do everything