Neue Serien Empfehlung?
Welche Serie könnt ihr empfehlen?
Ich will unbedingt gerne mal ein komparsen job machen z.b bei woodwalkers habe aber gesehen dass das Casting schon vorbei ist wisst ihr wann für Teil 3 komparsen gesucht werden?
Also bevor der Film beginnt oder auch mitten im Film?
Will wissen welches buch ich kaufen wo sarada magekyou sharikan bekommt also ich will es aber in english lesen bitte 🤍
Meine Serien Empfehlungen:
You know more series than I know myself
I can recommend my current series “Doctor Who”. Evening adventures in other times, worlds and universes. Height and depths. Really exciting. But I’d start from the 9th Doctor. And there are mega jokes. It’s fantastic! 😀
Then “the summer I got beautiful” I think. Very nice lot with love, heights and depths. I haven’t looked it any longer, but I was addicted to
My Top10 series:
Breaking bath
Walking Dead
House of money
Alice in Borderland
Squid Game
Game of Thrones
The last Kingdom
The 100, Star Trek Voyager and Star Trek Enterprise (2004). These are all slots good series ever looked through more than 1 times.
Is not a series in the sense, but somewhere already, but if you like vllt Pen and Paper, I can recommend the campaign to Dungeons and Dragons from the Youtube channel “Dullis and Dragons” or other campaigns of Pen and Paper stuff:)!
I can recommend you stranger things un breaking bad very much.
Alex rider, Lost in space, The Flash, Arrow upload, Lucifer, Grimm, Manifest, Wednesday, Winx
Since I don’t know what your taste is I have my present
“A New Summer” with Nicole Kidman
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
One Piece
Dr. Who
Breaking bad,the dead walking,bodyguard,the boys,dark
Twin Peaks
The discounters 🫣