Neue Pc teile?
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Ich hätte eine frage bezüglich zu einem Pc. Würden die nächsten Komponenten zusammenpassen?
Grafikkarte: Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 EAGLE 8 GB
Prozessor: AMD Ryzen 5 5500
Netzteil: 500W (oder sollte ich mehr holen?)
Lüfter: 5 corsair lüfter
Ram: 2x 8gb
Speicher: M2 SSD
Würde dass passen?
Weiss jemand voher ich die schrauben fürs festmachen vom SSD kaufen kann? Dass sind ja meistens sehr kleine/dünne schrauben. Bei dem Mainboard steht es nicht um welche schrauben grösse es handelt.
Vielen Dank
You get up when you need more power.
Where are you missing the performance? What games are you playing and in what resolution? How much Hz does your monitor have? Why would you like more performance?
How much money is available?
All these are things that are important to find out what to upgrade and whether it is necessary to upgrade.
recommend a RTX 4080 to you now, although you only have a 1080p monitor and play with 60 FPS, would be total nonsens.
With me, they were included in the mainboard pack. Otherwise you can also buy here:
Depends on the consumption of the future graphics card.
Fits and the screws are included at the SSD.
Could also get 600W if you’re ready to upgrade, otherwise 500W will be enough.
Thank you for the answer.
I already bought a SSD for my previous Pc. Unfortunately there was no screw in there.
Here an Amazon link.
It would be compatible, would it? No
Take the MSI B550A-Pro as motherboard, saves you 20€
Then as CPU the significantly stronger 5600
Fitting CPU cooler
In the GPU you put 20€ more for the 20% faster RX 6650XT
The overpriced Corsair fans will replace you a 5 pack Arctic P12 or P14
Power supply
And please 32GB RAM
Is there a lack of housing?
Thank you for the answer. I already have the case
In Win 301? Then no ATX boards fit in, max mATX
Irwin 301
the setup can be taken. Even if the exact designation of all components would have to be known for a final conclusion. Personally, I would go to Ryzen 5 5600 at the processor, which offers a lot more performance for a little more money.
Not for the setup. In future upgrades, however, this is a little bit
They are already preinstalled or preinstalled on the motherboard. with the
Thank you
With my motherboard, unfortunately, no screws are preinstalled. This is no longer a problem, so I have already ordered the screws.