Neue Motorrad Räder einfahren?
Ich habe gehört seit ein paar Jahren produzieren die die Reifen nicht mehr mit so einem schmierfilm den man erstmal vorsichtig runter fahren muss stimmt das?
Die einzigen Motorradreifen die ich mal eingefahren hab waren früher an meiner 125er und das war ganz einfach ist das auch auf einer großen Maschine so einfach?
Und als ob das so krass rutschig wäre. Ich meine wenn jemand ganz am Rand einen anststreifen hat müsste der Reifen Rand ja mega rutschig sein und man würde direkt weg rutschen wenn man auf Kante fährt aber das passiert ja nicht daher ist das übertrieben wenn man behauptet das sei so rutschig oder?
Also auf trockener Straße mein ich.
Yeah, you should get new tires in. Not because of a lubricating film, but because a new tire is still completely smooth and gets really grippy only when driving. It should be noted especially when the tyres are smooth and cold.
Normal slope, depending on the tire and motorcycle, also up to the edge is no problem. It is more problematic if the tire which has not yet been gripped is then subjected to relatively great loads, for example, in the inclined position, because too much gas is applied, for example. In modern motorcycles, the traction control usually prevents it from slipping away, but then you feel very well that the grip is not quite there at the beginning.
You don’t have to drive like on bald ice, but you can feel that the tire isn’t quite there yet, like it’s the case with cold tires.
I’ll drive the Diablo Rosso 3 and you’ll notice.
I’ll get the Supercorsa SP V3 on it soon 😍
You can do it. I don’t think I’m gonna find the Bringer. If you’re on the road, it’s nice, you’ll get too little temperature on the road, that it works really well and the German climate isn’t that beneficial to him either.
It doesn’t stick anything competitive. All other manufacturers also offer tyres in class. Which fit best depends on many factors.
The air temperature is not the decisive one, but the tire temperature. If you don’t get temperature pure, you can also buy some cheap touring pellens. Keep a little longer, especially if you’re mainly straight on and around curves only eiert.
For this, however, you must first get it to operating temperature, which you will not be.
Have read a lot of reports and they all mean under 15 degrees, and in wetness, the crap is all about it that none in punkto grip.
from 25 grad if it is the most fun anyway, the competition should stick. I’m not one of those under 20 degrees or even in rain driving from that fits.
in any case, they should be moved in slowly.
At the beginning, things will melt away as quickly as dry road.
A few years ago, I had a scooter. Just a new back tire. Drive from the terrain to the roundabout, extra careful, zack! I’m on the side. Rear tires lubricated.
But my motorcycle has traction control there can’t happen so easily, can it?
Depends on the exact situation. Modern traction controls can already override enormously, but also not the physics. If something slips for too little grip, it slips. Can go well in such situations, but it doesn’t have to. The older the system / motorcycle, the less I would trust and put it out.
Your traction control won’t help you.
New tires must always be retracted. Traction control has nothing to do with it.
By the way, you have to get the Supercorsa into his temperature window before the proper grip, otherwise it will put you.
It can be something
If you let the Corsa mount, you’ll be on your way home! Be at least 1x so reasonable and listen to the more experienced people here!
The tire is the wrong one for your driving profile. You still lack the skills to get the warm. The Rosso would be the better choice.
He already posted here as a photo evidence. Driving doesn’t work, pose doesn’t work… At least he can tell everyone what he bought everything great.
Its, however, are huge.
Nobody notices that when you get to the motorcycle meeting. If you just pay attention to the fact that the fear strips are not too wide 😀
In contrast to you, other motorcyclists inform themselves in advance extensively and buy tires that fit their driving profile. On the other hand, you just want to make on thick pants and take directly nen hypersport tires, although you don’t even get the bend.
And how do you come up with the idea that you belong to the 1/10 that does not happen?
And you’d like to try that out with the “on-the-nase”? The airbag had it.
Yes, 9/10 motorcyclists fall directly on the nose for this the tire is known worldwide and feared among motorcyclists.
Some just learn when they fall on their own nose 🤷🏻
I will not
Continental has been producing tire models with the sogen for several years. “Traction Skin” which makes it look like the tire does not have to be retracted.
This is very deceptive – because of course there is also a release agent on this tire with its optically slightly roughened surface – which even makes the tire quite slippery.
However, you can actually rub the tire with some chain or brake cleaners and it is not as smooth as many other models. Whether such a tire model is released for your panigale, I don’t know – but would not do any experiments.
In principle, you should keep in mind that touring tyres (e.g. Pirelli Angel GT) have the lowest, sports tyre (e.g. Pirelli Diablo Rosso III) a significantly higher, and super sports tyres (Pirelli Corsa) have the highest temperature window.
The higher the temperature window, the warmer the tire must be until it works and has the grip it should have. If I remember what you wrote about your driving habits (here and there’s a half hour road…), I would recommend you a touring tire. You’ll get that warm too – and he’ll keep at least twice as long.
I can only advise you to put the coolness factor on the value to which it belongs: far to the back. And for that it is better to have a tire suitable for your driving. You will have much more of this.
Your contribution is very good, but it will not matter to the FS. His current tire clearly shows his deficits, which will not be better at the next. Aside from the fact that he has not even set his suspension correctly or sits correctly on the bump.
The Supercorsa has even outside its temperature window 1000x more grip than a touring tire in its optimal comfortable temperature window.
At 10 grad the tours mature then maybe on but we are honest about it will never come in my case.
I also notice the temperature window on my current tire and it is fun from 20 degrees and is nicely handy even without long warming.
In 2-3 weeks, they can give me an appointment that is normal so long?
That’s absolutely bullshit.
Sorry, but that’s pretty bullshit. People who have no idea! Or people who are so eager about the curve that it doesn’t matter what tyres are on it.
I’m telling you, you’ve never got the tire at the temperature and would be better served with something else.
But good – you don’t listen to us. Do your experiences.
I had telephoned with my acquaintance in the north a while ago and I wrote to you where you can immediately mount new tires (even happen). Why don’t you write something like that?
Well, well – here he comes again, the “secret” tyre species in the north:
No problem. 😉👍
Japp, when wrong, clicked on comment, sorry 🙂
On the basis of my tire pictures ? Minimum inclination ? I think you’ll get something messed up (by the way, yesterday). From me there are no tire pictures here – and my tires or my driving style never…
Maybe you just tipped off the wrong place on “get comment”…?
With your tire pictures from yesterday, you seem to be part of the category “What a tyre is” If you drive almost straight and minimal inclination, it does almost any rubber.
Tires no longer have a lubricating film today.
Nevertheless, new tires are still very sticky at the beginning and absorb sand and dust while driving slowly.
I keep running new tires to their limit. Sure is safe.
tacky is good
Not sticky in the sense of grip, but in the sense that dust and sand remain hanging.
So that you can go right into a sloping position, you can go out badly.