Neue Felgen – Worauf achten?
Hallo 👋🏼
Ich will mir die nächsten Wochen neue Felgen + Reifen kaufen.
Reifen, da meine aktuellen fast kein Profil mehr haben, Felgen, weil ich meine aktuellen überhaupt nicht schön finde.
Da ich mich leider nur sehr schlecht mit Reifen und Felgen auskenne, frage ich euch, worauf man denn so achten muss 🙂
Passen im Prinzip alle Reifen ans Auto? Gibt es wichtige Daten / Größen, auf die man achten muss? Wie sieht es mit der Eintragung aus? Etz.
Würde mich über jede Hilfe freuen 😊!
For most online shops, you need to specify your car and then the matching rims will be displayed to you and then the matching tyres. I ordered complete wheels 2 weeks ago and I am absolutely satisfied.
What website can you recommend? 🙂, I and my friends have only gained good experiences.
I’m glad you worked so well. Have fun with your new wheels! 😀
@JannikvE Hey! I wanted to report to you again. I ordered complete wheels there about 2 weeks ago, which arrived today. Super website 👍🏻. Especially the animations where you can see before buying, how the tires actually look about later on in the car. Thank you!
Look at me there. Thank you. 😊
You can see in your papers or on the net what dimensions are approved for your car.
For tyres, e.g. 225/40/18 speed index e.g. Y
With the rims everything was already called.
Registration-free is only 1 to 1 registered in your certificate.
You need to enter everything else if possible.
For rims, make sure that the following things fit
pressing depth
Hole circle
Central hole circle
Rim width
In the case of the tyres, you have to make sure that the rolling circumference fits.
Rims have entered a KBA number. With the number you can ask at the Dekra, GTÜ, Küs or TÜV whether they fit your car.
An excessively large middle hole is not a problem. Then you have to buy centering rings.
There are any configurators on the net
Wheelworld – Driver’s Dreams – Your Dream. Your bike. We make it suitable. has some really great own productions and not expensive, but good quality
Can also just go to premio, which advise a very good
Finger away from ATU and pitstop
Just go to the next tyre dealer and get ‘advised’ there. Above all, you can look at the rims, weigh them and keep them to the car in test.
Tyres and rims should be allowed for your vehicle. You can find more exact in the CoC papers and the ABE of the rims.
Go zb on Felgenoutlet and find matching rims and tyres for your car from 😁👍
With all these questions, I recommend that you contact a tyre dealer.
Just be afraid that I’m told as a laie crap to sell any overpriced tires and rims. That is why I would at least like to know what to pay attention to 🙂