Neu gekaufte Airsoft verrostet?
Hallo liebe Community,
vor kurzem habe ich mir auf Sniper AS eine AK47 gekauft. Nun sind mir im Vorderen Bereich weiße Punkte aufgefallen und ich frage mich, ob es sich um weißrost handelt. Ich hoffe jemand kann mir da weiterhelfen.
A link would be good. And as it looks like a wood variant, it could be some kind of care. Ever touched the white bat?
I’ve touched it, I’m not going so easy. Now go with a little flush. Here the link:
Before you sit around, I’d advise you to get in touch with Sniper for a short time, you have pictures to let them get this. The wooden wedge seems to be made of veneer, so it can have something to do with it. That’s pretty sure glued on, and maybe there’s a lot of glue in it.
Okay, it’s done. With detergent it goes away whatever it was. I’m sorry for the excitement, I was just scared. Still got a star!
Okay. But I’d be careful to keep this in mind. As I can’t say again (the app does not exist for my glass ball 😜).