Write to Netflix about a series?


I'd like to talk about the Netflix series "Lockwood & Co." It was released in 2023 and has eight episodes in just one season. It's unfortunate that the series has apparently been canceled, especially because it ends with an open ending and the story isn't fully concluded. I don't understand why a series would be released without producing a second season. Is there a way I can contact Netflix and ask for an explanation, or to make sure this is even true?

Thank you.

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11 months ago

It’s not Netflix, it’s the number of spectators. If too little look at the series, it is not worth producing another season. Netflix would make more negative. It’s like TV series too! You will not be able to change it. Here but you can propose series and films!

11 months ago
Reply to  McMagix

hä they don’t do the same minus because a series is looked at. believe ned that jmd be netflix abo cancelt because he likes the series nich. ne serie im fernsehn takes the station away but the is at netflix rille

11 months ago

I think you don’t get it personally, but I know that the books were successful and many people were disappointed by the series. Says there won’t be a second season. I’m sorry, too, because I’m a fan of the series. But some things can’t be changed ☹️

11 months ago

I don’t know, but hope ixh

11 months ago

Most of the time, there is little viewer and so there is not enough money for the production of another season.

Unfortunately, you can do as good as nothing