Nervigste Charaktereigenschaftender einzelnen Strohütte (one piece)?
Ich zähle mal alle auf die mir einfallen.
Ruffy (Einschlafen und Hunger)
Zoro( Orientierungssinn und Streit mit Sanji)
Sanji( Frauenliebe und Zoro Streit)
Nami( Verhandeln und Geldgier)
Lysopp(Immer Angst)
Chopper(Waschbär witz und haustier)
Mehr fällt mit grade nicht ein gerne mehr nennen.
Obwohl ich die die Witze von Brook echt unlustig und teilweise nervig finde haben Sie immerhin keine “Folgen”
Das mit Sanji und Frauen nervt in manchen Fällen leider sehr wenn er kämpfen aus dem Weg geht und etwas im fischmenschen arc hat mich es schon sehr genervt
I’m annoyed by Sanji, Lysop and Zoro. Brook’s jokes are quite funny.
What about the properties of Robin, Franky and Jimbei?
I can’t find anything wrong with your name.
I don’t want to say that all the annoying are more than half cares for the charm of the anime and well managed it just are often the same jokes and specific after hundreds of episodes were just really annoying
Only my opinion
As I said, I haven’t found any of this annoying
Whatever I’m not looking at. Because it is unnecessarily severely extended.
Most Chopper. Before the Timeskip was really cool. After that it was only ‘fanservice” a pity.
Ruffy – No character development
Zoro – No character development
Sanji – No character development
Nami – No character development
Usopp – No character development
Chopper – No character development
Jinbei – No character development
Brook – No character development
Robin – No character development
That would be all right
Did you ever follow the anime/manga or how could any individual character development have escaped you?
It can’t have escaped anything that doesn’t exist