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The best are the bots with the half-naked women as a profile picture and link in the profile, which copy real comments and then get mega many likes..
And the accounts are usually also new to the nail because these are reported to the bots then create new ones. They also like their comments to each other, which is also annoying.
Somehow I always think it’s funny what they’re writing, but somehow that’s something that’s on the nerves.
L.G. E✨
Yes, these bots are bothering me.
Especially those where half-naked women are in the PB, and if you go on the link in the profile you go on… well.
But the worst: You can report the infinite, but they come back!
Just annoying. But they’ll never leave.
What is their goal?
I don’t know
I don’t see anything like that.
Oh, no.
I started to ignore them when I realized that now more bots write on the Internet than real people.
keyword dead internet theory
Not that you can ignore very well
I liked your question very much, please. Your posts are always fun and I look forward to seeing you again! 💘💘💘😊
I’m glad you like my posts!
I don’t care