Nerv eingeklemmt was tun.?
Guten morgen mittag an alle. Ich hätte eine kurze frage und zwar bin ich heute morgen wach geworden und meine Gesamte Rechte Lunge tat beim einatmen weh. Nun bin ich etwas länger wach und merke beim Tief einatmen das es von der Schulter bis in die rechte brust zieht. Nun die Frage meint ihr ich habe mir nen Nerv eingeklemmt und falls ja was kann ich dagegen tun.? Oder könnte es ein Problem mit der Lunge geben.?
You probably took a bad sleep position! That could be a little bit of a mosquito. Can hurt. Heat and movement are the remedies.
If further symptoms are added, the doctor should be consulted, as should the pain not improve after 2…3 days.
Thank you. The problem I’ve got was pulled a tooth and I can’t climb stairs until Thursday. I live on the 4th floor. Should I go to the doctor, then?
It is, of course, risky to put such a remote diagnosis. It sounds like you’ve caught something there. Move cautiously and as normal as possible, so that it regains. Otherwise you should go to the orthopaedic or at least to the family doctor.
Okey Thank you, I will. How long should I give all this time?
See you tomorrow.
Hey, you still got the pain? It can also come from the tooth.
The problem is I can’t climb stairs until Thursday as a tooth has been pulled. And I live on the 4th floor… should I still go to the doctor?
It doesn’t have to be a jammed nerve, it could also be a swirl blockade.
Go to an orthopaedic/chiropractor who can help you.
How far is a swirl blockade?
If you get lost, maybe when you turn around in your sleep.
For every zipperlein to the specialist! Then, however, if there are no timely appointments with the specialist if there is a serious illness. A nerve is barely jammed in sleep without pre-disorder. More at load, sport, accident!