neptune 3 plus hilfe beim leveln?
ich habe probleme mit meinem 3d drucker neptune 3 plus. ich habe es wie in der Einleitung gelevelt, aber irgendwie funktioniert es nicht.
bei weitern informationen einfach mich fragen.
danke im voraus
Hier ist ein beispiel was raus kam.
It doesn’t look so bad.
do you have taps how I can improve this even more?
If this is already the last layer then set in Cura that the surfaces should be “ironed”. Then the printer goes over again, fills the smallest gaps and heats the surface while passing over to smooth it.
In German it bites surface smoothing.
In English I believe Surface iron.
I don’t know what to improve.
What does the result look like if you carry out your test with all 4 corners.
Have you ever printed a Benchy?
join my predecessor. I don’t know where to be a problem.
thank you 🙂
Don’t sound so bad.
For your rough print bed it may be useful to increase the filament flow slightly for the first layer (~110%).
Clean the pressure bed with isopropanol.
the 4 print all look so similar.
benchy has worked super and all the other prints also but I had to calibrate again now, because prints somehow got weird and had scratches and the prints are not fixed that were last printed