was sollte man unter seinem Neoprenanzug anziehen wenn man surfen geht? Unterhose? Nackt? Badehose?
was sollte man unter seinem Neoprenanzug anziehen wenn man surfen geht? Unterhose? Nackt? Badehose?
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Ich brauche mal einen neuen Bikini oder auch Badeanzug, da der alte nicht mehr passt. Da ich eine relativ große Oberweite habe (80H-I) ist es meist echt schwer, etwas brauchbares zu finden. Vielleicht hat ja hier jemand Erfahrungen, wo man gut fündig werden könnte, oder noch besser sogar konkrete Empfehlungen. Am besten wärs natürlich, wenn…
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Bitte mit Alter und Geschlecht.
Depends on the temperature.
In the summer when surfing, I wear a tight swimwear in slip form.
In canyoning and cold air and water temperatures also functional underwear to have an additional insulation layer. If someone is sensitive, you can also wear them under it in summer.
Naked I tried, but it found quite unpleasant, therefore not recommended for me.
In winter a second wetsuit… 🙂
Under a lent wetsuit you should wear a tight swimwear. Slips are best because they have no fabric on the legs that could form wrinkles. If it is your own suit, you can also be naked under it if you find it more pleasant.
In summer a tightly fitted swimsuits, in winter also ski underwear
Best a tightly fitted swimwear.
If you are on the go in cold felts, you can also wear ski underwear.
I was wearing
I just stopped my boxershorts
as usual under the badeshorts
The own wetsuit should rest like a second skin layer and is therefore always worn without swimwear or underpants.
You always borrowed something under it. At your own, depending on the temperature of water and air. If it is warm nothing if it is colder swimwear or swimsuit. The legs are more protected in a swimsuit.
Under your own best zero-comanix! – Under a borrowed naturally a swimwear!
Under your own you don’t need to wear anything, in the optimal case he should sit tightly. In the case of lent suits, tightly-fitted swimwear are best suited.
I have either a swimsuit under it when I know I’m pulling it out or letting it down upstairs and can’t be naked. But very often I am naked underneath
under a neoprenanziug I always pull a tight funtion underwear or tightshorts
I’ll be full of you!
Closely attached swimwear
Narrow swimsuits, preferably panties
Best of a tight swimwear
I’ll put a swimsuit under it.
I don’t have one, but I’d wear a one-piece swimsuit.
Women’s swimwear
Best a turnsuit and leggings
Wear sporty retroundies or tightsshorts, both made of microfibres!
Another sport shirt under!
Women’s swimwear