Neonsalmler wie oft füttern?
ich habe mir heute 10 neonsalmler und 2 napfschnecken gekauft. Wie oft sollte ich meine fische füttern? ganzen wochenplan wenn es geht bitte <3
ich habe mir heute 10 neonsalmler und 2 napfschnecken gekauft. Wie oft sollte ich meine fische füttern? ganzen wochenplan wenn es geht bitte <3
Muss man mögliche Eier aus Legehennen entfernen bevor sie geschlachtet werden? Lg Walter
Klnnem die fllhe auch ihre eier auf der kleidung ablehen? Und wie viel laven legt der floh auf einmal? Reicht es da die kleider ganz normal zu waschen dsd die laven sterbem? Und den Boden zu saugen und zu waschen?
Die Dose war durchgehend im Kühlschrank und der Geruch ist wie immer. Die Dose war mit einem Teller abgedeckt. Kann man die noch verfüttern oder besser weg damit?
Also Plattenbau..Würde das so gehen,oder müsste ich da schon den Vermieter(Genossenschaft) fragen,wegen Statik?
Also in Liter, Breite, Höhe und Länge wäre nett😇😇
Feeder as much as they create it in a maximum of 20 minutes
6 days feeding and 1 rest day. Best if you feed occasionally to mosquito larvae. The snail does not need to be fed. Just make sure if the snail goes hopping you’ll take her away quickly.
Thanks, morning or evening?
It doesn’t matter, 1 times a day
Feeds flock food or frost food Monday to Friday (try what is liked, Artemia white and black mosquito larvae, Cyclops, Daphnia Moina etc). and looking for black mosquito larvae on weekends/if you have a garden to lure (leg a few knuckles into an open mason crest, water on it, they come.)
Why are you buying fish without even knowing? Sure, you always start at zero, but why don’t you get to know yourself?
Or why didn’t you ask that question directly to the dealer you bought it?
and how often should I feed them now
On the one hand, most traders do not know about it, on the other hand, the often written quantities are confusing for beginners. You have to feel pure and listen to a few different opinions.
you stupid fucked bastard how to be just such a disgusting toxic shit head senin amina koyim orospu götkafasi pic
but why don’t you manage to inform yourself on your own?
I have herewith,
You should be informed before you buy something like that.
I’ve been holding fish for years, and if I get a new way, I’ve always got to test feed quantities.
There’s nothing to feed. Beginners can’t start giving
I’m talking
I try to feed as little as possible. Quasi several short stepps but ash are also greedy XD
I doubt anyone with swarm fishing can do it right away…
Yeah, I always did that. Only first I totally overfeeded, then totally submerged and all I had the balance with one basin, I already had a ball fish basin and since the right amount of snails was harder to find than I thought XD And from my frying prunes which feed on air I don’t start at all