Do companies hire sick people these days?
I'm looking for experience, but I have physical and mental illnesses myself. According to the coaching from the employment agency, my applications are good. However, I have a few years' gap, and I keep getting rejections. I'm now in rehab. I'm afraid I'll be on Hartz IV for the rest of my life.
it also succeeds in starting a minijob, you can prove yourself even if you are chronically ill – if it fits with the employer you can also make more hours or even get a part-time/full-time job. However, one should also know its limits – it is important to be absolutely reliable. Employers appreciate that and who you do your job, you will certainly be allowed to stay.
with mental problems you are often too uncertain for employers. Will you be able to work or getting sick again and again?
In areas where it is lacking in personnel, however, everyone is taken who can also perform the job.
You are not obliged to disclose your illnesses to the employer.
Regarding the gap in the CV, you should ask for tips & tricks at the office.