Nehme an, dass der Atomkern 1cm groß ist. Wie groß ist dann die Atomhülle?

Hallo Leute. Die Frage geht an alle Chemie Experten unter euch. Ich m 13 habe das Thema gerade und kriege die Frage nicht beantwortet. Schon mal im Voraus vielen Dank!

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1 year ago

The factor between atomic nucleus and shell is about 1:10,000. If the atomic core has a diameter of 1 cm, the shell has a diameter of 10,000 cm or 100 m.

1 year ago
Reply to  Heyhey481

H is small

U is huge

Can’t be generalized

1 year ago

For the task of a 13-year-old for the school, I would generalize it.

1 year ago

Depending on the element, an atom is about 10 ̄10 m tall, an atomic nucleus is well 10 ̄15 m, both numbers are a bit windy, because the quantum mechanical objects are without a clear surface and therefore also without a clear diameter, so these numbers can only be estimated.

So an atom is approx. 105 times = 100000 times greater than its core. 105 cm are 100000 cm or 1 km. Depending on the atom, it can also be twice as much or a quarter of it.

1 year ago

Kern am Marienplatz, Elektronen am Stadtrand von München.

Atomkern just explained – simpleclub

1 year ago

It depends on the element.

The atomic nucleus is located in the centre of the atom; its diameter is about 120000 to 150,000 the diameter of the Electronic hull.

Source: Wikipedia