Neffe bald Geburtstag was schenken?

Hallo, mein Neffe hat bald Geburtstag und ich habe keine Ahnung was ich ihm schenken kann (zwischen 30-40€) verdiene noch nichts kann deswegen nicht so teure Sachen kaufen.

Er hat sehr viele Spielzeuge und auch Klamotten.. weswegen ich dann keine Möglichkeit habe was anderes zu kaufen außer ihr habt welche Ideen.
vielen dank schonmal

er wird 1 Jahr alt

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1 year ago

Since your nephew is only 1 year old, an age-appropriate and educationally valuable gift could be a good choice. In the price range of 30-40€ there are some nice options that are suitable for his age and help him develop his motor and cognitive skills.

One example would be a stacking tower or stacking cup set that helps him to identify shapes and sizes and to practice his hand-eye coordination. You could also consider a soft, interactive plush animal that makes sounds or plays music when you press it or touch it. Such toys often promote the sensory perception and the sense of hearing of the child.

Here we have prepared many more ideas for 1-year-old boys! 🙂

1 year ago


Depending on whether he’s already running or not, I don’t think you can give him a little running aid, or a duck on wheels that makes noises

1 year ago


Maybe you have a leisure park or something in the way (Trampolinhalle, indoor playground…) near you and want to spend a day together with him. I don’t know how old he is but you’ll find what from 3-12 years!

Good luck!

1 year ago

A little Lego Duplo. He’s happy about it. I gave up a school bus from Fisherprice once, and I got good. Looks funny and fun. What the child already has is sausage.

1 year ago

Lego Duplo is old.