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2 years ago

Yes! My mood and feelings were really bad. Suddenly, a few days after taking.
Then I changed the pill again, the same again. Then I thought, no, I didn’t do it and never took it again. Prevent now for 10 years hormon-free and for me it was the right decision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nataarius

What have you been up against?

2 years ago
Reply to  HarmonyZ

I know when my ovulation is, fortunately, some have the advantage. And during this time stop with condoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarmonyZ

Probably condoms

2 years ago

Has hurt very much and constantly feeling a foreign body, and also strong bleeding. I think I stopped it for 2-3 months, then I let the spiral be removed.
I found all this really nasty because apparently no contraceptive was good for me, so I had to do this as I do it Jetz and I am totally happy because it is really not complicated and does not burden my body unnecessarily.

2 years ago

What about the spiral?

2 years ago

Yeah, all right. Sure, there’s always a residual risk that I’ve calculated. But if it were, it wouldn’t be bad, it would be a bit messed up. You always have to estimate “what if” if you live with the risk. I have already tried the spiral – complete catastrophe 😅 because of this path with calculated risk 😅

2 years ago

Yes, I meant, but you must know well:)

2 years ago

Yeah, actually. Of course, sperms can survive longer in the body, but actually ! Just around 2-3 days. I’m alive with the residual risk.

2 years ago

It is not only possible to get pregnant during ovulation ^^

2 years ago

For almost 14 years I’ve been obstructed with the pill and was relatively satisfied with it. The pill is safe and easy to use.

In the meantime, I changed the preparation once, because I still had severe regular pain with the first one. Overall, I always felt like having no side effects.

At some point, I dropped her for a child’s request.

After the drop I had no migraines at once – otherwise always reliable at the start of the pill break. I had much more desire for sex (before I had always thought, well, that after 14 years of relationship you no longer tear down the clothes, is normal). I had no more problems with vaginal mushroom – before regularly about every three months, I always thought that would be too much stress or too much swimming in the chlorinated water. I was more balanced overall, that even noticed my environment that didn’t know about dropping the pill (my mother, e.g.).

So while I took it, I did not directly perceive the side effects as side effects. Only after the drop I noticed the side effects.

Even during pregnancy, I have therefore decided not to take the pill in the future or to prevent it from being hormonal.

2 years ago

Like all medicines, any pill can also cause undesirable side effects in addition to the desired effect, for which it may come – but does not have to.

Major side effects associated with the application are described in Section 2. ”What to consider before taking XY” described in any usage information.

You will find further possible adverse effects in the 4th section of the package leaflet.

You will see what effects or complaints you may have.

These complaints usually improve after an adjustment phase. If they are too burdensome or if there is no improvement even after three months, you should discuss with your female physician whether another pill or even a non- hormonal contraceptive is better suited for you.

I have kept everything together for about 20 years exclusively and without side effects with pill. She met my expectations, I went well with it and had no problems (also no “hidden” that showed up only after decommissioning).

The only significant increase in weight, for example, has given me the change years.

I used to suffer more often under headaches. However, the dropping of the pill was accompanied by the decision to smoke exclusively outside (both because of children’s desire). There is probably the causal connection with the avoidance of “raised” spaces and reduction or then suspension of tobacco consumption.

Happy for you!

2 years ago

My sister got really fat pimples and unpure skin in general through the first pill. Had the mood swings too.

Then she changed the pill and the skin was completely clean again, but she had less desire for sex and her mood swings were still there to a certain degree. She also got bigger breasts and more hips.

2 years ago

Unspeakable headache. I was so bad. I’d never touch it again.

2 years ago

The worst side effect for me was that I often became very bad and had a lot of stomach/intestinal discomfort

2 years ago

I really don’t know any of my currents. My previous, however, made me even more irritable and sensitive, so as I am.

2 years ago

Yes, a heavy lung embolism

2 years ago

No, never