Nebenjob fragt nach ob ich immatrikuliert?

Hey, also ich mache derzeit meine Ausbildung hab allerdings festgestellt das das Nix ist weshalb ich diese nun beenden will. Ich habe seit Mai das HOFA Fernstudium begonnen, welches ich ohnehin schon ewig vor hatte. Nun nachdem ich ein Bewerbungsgespräch im Lidl habe, da sich das Studium ja nicht von selbst finanziert, fragte die nette Frau mich ob ich „immatrikuliert“ bin, hab erstmal nein gesagt da ich den Begriff gar nicht kannte… kann mich mal jemand aufklären ob das falsch war …:/

liebe Grüße und schonmal Danke für eure antworten 🙂

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8 months ago

If you are already studying, you must also be immatricated or enrolled. This is always part of the process, so it was probably wrong…

8 months ago

For enrollment, you need a university entrance authorization. If you meet the access requirements, a place of study is safe for you! There is no need for an NC in a distance study – so you don’t need a certain grade or waiting semester!

So you always have to say that it is a distance study.

8 months ago

Lidl would employ you “less” on a working student basis in order to save social security contributions/employeees for unemployment, health and care insurance.

You would not have to pay for this, but you would need a separate student KV of around 135 euros per month for an income above the minijob limit (above 538 euros).

8 months ago

Immatriculated only means you are enrolled at a university or university, so you are a student.

This has nothing to do with financing.

As soon as you unsubscribe from university, you would exmatricate yourself.

8 months ago

Yeah, that was probably wrong.

Immaculate means you are enrolled at a university. Distance learning usually also counts. Do you have a marticulation number from your studies? (see student ID) Then you are also immatriculated.