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A side job at DM in the goods clearance is basically a **good and relatively uncomplicated option** if you are looking for a flexible way to earn some money. Whether you can “do something wrong” depends on a few factors, but overall the job is rather structured and not particularly risky. Here is an overview:
### **Advantages of a side job at DM (delivery)**
1. **Flexibility**: DM usually offers flexible working hours, especially in the case of goods clearance. You can work according to your own needs and schedule, especially in the early hours of the morning or later in the evening, which makes the job attractive to students or other side-workers.
Two. **Simplified activities**: The work in the goods clearance consists mainly of placing products on shelves and ensuring that the shelves are tidy and tidy. There are no particularly complex tasks you need to learn, and you get a thorough introduction.
3. **Good payment**: DM is known for fair payment. Depending on the region and the collective agreement, the salary ranges from **10 to 13 euros per hour**, which is good compared to other retail jobs. There are often additional services such as employee discounts or vouchers.
4. **Team work and work environment** The working environment at DM is usually very collegial and friendly. You’ll work in a team to make work more comfortable.
Five. **Small error risk**: In the goods clearance, you can actually do little wrong if you place the products correctly on the shelf and watch order. Errors usually happen if you e.g. clean products incorrectly or do not clean up the shelves properly, but these are usually smaller problems that can be easily fixed.
### Possible challenges**
1. **Current load**: The work can be physically exhausting, especially if you need to lift many heavy products and put them in higher shelves. If you are not accustomed to physical stress, this can be exhausting in the long term.
Two. **Frutile layers**: The goods clearance is often carried out in the early hours of the morning (e.g. between 5 and 8 a.m.), which can be exhausting for some people, especially if you need to work or study later. But the advantage is that you have the most time of the day free for other activities.
3. **High workload** Depending on the branch and day-to-day business, it can also be stressful when much is to be done. Then the job can be hectic, but it’s all well organized and you’re never alone, but work with others.
### What can you do wrong?**
The job is relatively easy, but there are some things you should keep in mind:
– **Order and cleanliness**: Make sure you clean up the products and keep the shelves clean. Incorrect shelves or incorrect placement of products can cause customers to have trouble finding articles.
– **Current placement of promotions**: Make sure to place promotions or discount products correctly and easily visible. These tasks are often assigned and errors here can affect the customer’s shopping experience.
– **Be aware of safety precautions**: If you work with heavier products, make sure you lift them safely and take care of your back and health.
A side job at DM in the goods clearance is **relatively simple** and can be a good way to earn some money without hitting too much stress. If you are physically resilient and are not afraid of early shifts, it can be a very pleasant and uncomplicated job. Big mistakes are hard to make, and if you work attentively and properly, the job is not only well paid, but also a good working atmosphere.
No. They could do a chimpanzeee for the job.
There’s nothing wrong I think