Nebengewerbe bei Anwärterschaft?

Ich bin zurzeit Beamtenanwärterin (Duales Studium). Ich möchte jedoch jetzt neben her noch ein 2. Standbein aufbauen und ein online Business aufbauen. Darf ich das machen? Oder gibt es dort Grenzen wie viel ich verdienen darf etc? Dankeschön schon mal im Voraus für die Antworten ^^

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11 months ago

In principle, this is possible, but only within certain limits.


In any case, you need your servant’s permission.

If you don’t have to stop or live with the consequences.

11 months ago

As an officer, you should actually know that civil servant law varies according to service.

In general, ancillary activity as an official is at least subject to an admissibility, but depending on the service owner, it is generally also subject to authorisation. In particular, the latter is a clear difference to employees (where it is not subject to authorisation).

Reasons for a rejection would be, for example, if your secondary business somehow influenced your service concerns (you will work in the same area, etc.). Also the scope should be so low that your activity as an official does not suffer from it (depending on the service owner, for example, a maximum of 1/5 of your working time or a maximum of 30-40% of an income).

So if you want to build up a correct second leg, it would probably be wiser to assume an employee relationship instead of an official relationship. You can’t always have everything.

11 months ago

I’m sure your servant will be happy to answer that.

In principle, secondary acquisitions – in a certain context – are first unproblematic.