Nebenberuflich Steuernummer?
Hallo. Ich arbeite Vollzeit und möchte selbstständig nebenbei ein Kleingewerbe betreiben. Brauche ich dafür eine neue Steuernummer oder kann ich meine aktuelle Steuer-ID angeben? Weil ich gerade dabei bin diese steuerlichen Erfassungsbogen auszufüllen…
You can enter your previous tax number if you have already made a tax return. Otherwise, you will alternatively take your tax identification number.
Your tax number will probably change because it is only a kind of file number at the tax office. Your tax identification number remains the same for your life.
Thank you.
Can I also make a private tax clarification via this tax number? Or is it going extra and not together?
As long as you have only 1 business, the tax number is then the tax number for business and income tax.