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2 years ago

Hello 🙋🏽

No, a 2 meter cage is more than tiequälerei.

You want to hold her inside? If so, just set them up a rabbit safe room. Cables shouldn’t lie there. If so please cover with cable tunnels. You also need a budding box which is extremely important in interior

The area you take for the rabbit should be three square meters per animal. So 6 square meters. That’s the least.

A few times out in the garden is not enough. Rabbits are in the evening and in the night. They also have an immense urge to move and want to sprint.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you

2 years ago

Hello, a 2m cage/stem is animal torture, because they definitely won’t be happy. Imagine you’d have to live your life in a prison cell.

You can separate the two rabbits a separate room, which is at least 6 square meters.

In addition, you need to make a lot of change in interiors – hides, buddelkists, clokists, fodderballs, fodder games, tubes, vlt several levels etc.


2 years ago

No, for two rabbits you should actually have a cradle that is at least 6m2 tall.

2 years ago

2m2? You can move freely in the room, right? If not, then animal cruelty or false animal love is. This is just my personal opinion…

2 years ago

no per animal is calculated with 3 square meters, but these are also only minimum dimensions. Greater would be much more animal-friendly. The attitude in a cage would be for me animal torture