Ne Fistel oder :-/?

Hi leute, ich hab ne Fistel oder? jetzt meine eigentliche Frage, was denkt ihr, wird die Fistel von dem Zahn ganz links kommen (der ja ich weiß nicht so toll aussieht weil der schon 2 – 3 füllungen hat oder so^^)……oder von den gut aussehenden daneben was aber eine Brücke ist die bestimmt schon an die 10 Jahre drauf ist? Und meine eigentliche Angst ist ob dann die Brücke wieder runter muss? D: danke schon mal für eure antworten. 🙂

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2 years ago

This is a fist. Comes from the corner tooth or from the small cutting tooth. Don’t think the bridge has to go down first.

But you have to go to the dentist. Fix 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  YoungKie

You can go to the representative. Every doctor who closes the practice for vacation, illness, etc. has one or more doctors who represent it.

I wouldn’t wait for my doctor to come back to the office.

2 years ago
Reply to  YoungKie

Depends on your pain. If it’s not that bad, then the conductor can at least run out.

2 years ago

No problem. :

2 years ago

Survival in any case 😀 Yes, but if the pain becomes more you have to go before!

2 years ago

Can I understand

In any case, an X-ray image must be made.

2 years ago

Maybe your dentist’s representative should look at it. Not that the inflammation continues.

2 years ago

I’m afraid that’s a fist should go to the doctor every time how long have you got that?

2 years ago
Reply to  YoungKie

Hm ok so wait vllt first I had there s when I was little believer too but did not let you do any pain wait first

2 years ago

Please beautiful 😉

2 years ago

I know ned more but believe little less

2 years ago

Ah was with me

2 years ago

Hahha ok you have severe pain

2 years ago

But did you have that before?

2 years ago

I understand is also expensive I myself have relatively good teeth but still

2 years ago

Or the filling has gone out is already happening to me then you should go to the dentist

2 years ago

Hm maybe you have new caries from the tooth and that is quite deep because the gum reacts

2 years ago

Hm then I have no idea you’ve got something stuck on the gum or something

2 years ago

Before you go to the doctor is believe in children because they often take their fingers in their mouths in which case I have no idea you haven’t eaten your teeth more healthy

2 years ago

Better you ask a dentist