Navbar verlinken ohne Webspace?
Hey, wie verlinke ich die Navbar Buttons wenn ich das Projekt auf dem PC baue?
<p1><a href=”??”>Home<a><p1>
ausserdem wie bekomme ich Fiveserver zum funktionieren?
Ausserdem, wie bekomme ich das wieder zum laufen, dateien liegen im selben Ordner wie die Index.php, ausserdem kann ich die index.php auch mit Fiveserver öffnen?
Ich hab alles vergessen, weil es Jahre her ist.
vielen lieben Dank!
Frohen Abend
You can use relative paths.
Example for the following file structure:
There is no p1Element.
If you click the folder or file you want to open in the Explorer View with the right mouse button, you will find a corresponding entry in the context menu.
Read also here.
Normally, the home page should also be the root of the website through which you can reach all other public pages (i.e. the pages are somehow linked to each other). Consequently, it should be sufficient to open the homepage first. If it contains errors, you have to fix them first.
Yeah, it’s enough for rendering. If you are planning more (e.g. testing a form evaluation), a correct web server would be attached. The XAMPP software package is suitable for local development, including a PHP preconfigured Apache web server.
PS: metadata-days are included in head– Area.
First of all, thank you, so you can just check the files.
How to get the fiveserver in vs code offne wei? I do, but there’s a mistake.
I have a fiveserver.config.js in the root ordner, but I now have linux and earlier Windows and the config looks like this:
module.exports = {
highlight: true,
injectBody: true,
navigation: true
open: “index.php”,
root; “index.php”,
php: “C:\\php\\php.exe”,
You will have to adjust the path to php.exe.
Consequently, a path indication is wrong.
The context of the configuration file should start from the folder in which it is located. If you rename this folder, the configuration should not change. If, on the other hand, you rename or omit index.php, the path details in the configuration file no longer fit.
ok has happened m, has now also worked shortitig….then I have moved the folder and renamed that also changed in the siveserver config….but now there is 404 This page could not be found.