Natürlicher Treibhauseffekt – Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt?

Ich interessiere mich sehr für den Treibhauseffekt jetzt habe ich mir vorgenommen mehr über den natürlichen Treibhauseffekts und die Folgen für Mensch und Umwelt herausfinden. Im Internet hab ich schon danach gesucht aber nichts zum natürlichen sondern nur zum künstlichen Treibhauseffekt gefunden. Jetzt wollte ich euch fragen ob ihr vielleicht etwas dazu wisst oder ob es denn überhaupt Folgen hat.

Danke im Vorraus für eure Antworten <3

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10 years ago

The natural greenhouse effect ensures that the earth’s temperature is about +15°C, instead of cold -18°C, at a clearly local temperature – as we know it only becomes possible. The natural THE is in the mechanism identical to the man-made additional THE – the distinction of natural/anthropogenic refers to the source of the greenhouse gases involved. A simplified representation:

  • the greenhouse gases (water vapor, CO2, methane and some others) which are naturally in the air, let sun rays pass from the sun to the ground.
  • there the sun rays warm the ground
  • the soil radiates this heat again. (Take your hand over a stone heated by the sun – this is directly noticeable)
  • However, this heat radiation from the soil is not let through by the greenhouse gases, but is absorbed (absorbed) and radiated immediately. So the energy doesn’t get away so easily. =>natural greenhouse effect

This natural greenhouse effect ensures that on average, instead of cooling about -18°C (whether without the greenhouse gases) we have much more common about +15°C on Earth.

  • In addition to the natural carbon cycle, humans now release additional greenhouse gases, e.g. by combustion of oil, coal and gas, carbon dioxide CO2, and e.g. by agriculture methane. => amplified, human-caused = anthropogenic greenhouse effect
  • Feedback, e.g. by more water vapor in the air reinforces this heating
  • also, for example, by land use, deforestation, soot, the warming of the soil is further reinforced.

This makes it warmer on average in the world. => Global warming.

  • Global warming brings the weather patterns across the globe: => additional, accelerated, anthropogenic climate change.

As mentioned, a simplified representation – a more detailed representation, for example here:

10 years ago
Reply to  realfacepalm

Thanks for the star!

10 years ago
Reply to  realfacepalm

Would’ve been enough if you had posted a link to Wikipedia. ;D

10 years ago

Without the natural greenhouse effect, we could not live here, because then the temperature on Earth would be far too low.

How about looking in books instead of the Internet…?!

10 years ago
Reply to  Inuyashaa

This is a bit naive – at a average temperature of -18°C instead of +15°, the earth would look completely different. Including the entire ecosystem. In addition, it would mean that we had a completely different atmosphere, we would not have had the greenhouse effect, and it would seem different with UV radiation protection.

Finding solution on the Internet faster – tja, maybe, but also much less reliable and incomplete. On the Internet, each full-length dumbbell can preach half-knowledge, not in books and there you have bundled information. I want you to talk about it. This question platform is not made for exactly such questions.

10 years ago