Nationalstolz vs Nationalsozialismus?
Und warum ist man stolz auf seine Herkunft?
In Deutschland ist der Nationalstolz ein sehr sensibles Thema. Bist du stolz Deutsche/r zu sein, trotz der deutschen Geschichte?
Das kollektive Bewusstsein des Nationalstolzes ist geschwächt, gleichzeitig entwickelt es sich in einer modernen weiter. Wie denkt ihr darüber?
I think you can and should be proud of his nation and origin.
Even though many say that one has contributed nix himself: yet, everyone contributes to it, even though personalities such as Alberz Einstein, Carl Benz, Friedrich der Groß, Martin Luther, Werner von Siemens and Otto von Bismarck have done more. But we Germans have a similarity: together we form a people and a country – the land of poets and thinkers, from the North Sea to the Alps. We are committed to preserving the heritage of our fathers: a great country with a lot of history and responsibility.
However, we should also learn from the terrible deeds of those who put Europe and the world into an inferno from national exaggeration and ideology.
Nor should it be forgotten that Italy had Caesar, France Napoleon, Russia Stalin, and China Zedong and Japan Hiroshito – nevertheless Italians, French, Russians, Chinese and Japanese are proud of their nation and heritage! We should take this as a model – as Germany, the country in the heart of Europe rich in culture and tradition!
Can hardly be expressed better ☝🏽💯
I said
Being more German means listening to a story of poets and thinkers.
Many inventions come from Germans.
Germany is actually a tiny country, but plays economically with the big ones.
This can only be due to the hard work of the Germans and their working morals.
Those who live in Germany and are foreigners and still work well can of course also be proud of themselves.
In a way, I am proud to be more German.
Better than a national pride, it is helpful and compassionate. Right?
I can sign this
I’m glad. Thank you.
It is, of course, a difference whether you say: D is better than anyone else or whether you say I am happy to live in Germany. If you say that, no one will be angry with you. I don’t know if I could answer your question, but I tried. Lg
Thank you for your empathic reaction. Has not completely decoded the core of my question & the intentions of you.
In reply: Yes, I am proud to be German. It’s just part of a collective identity for me. For me, our history is a reason more to be proud. We have moved a lot in the world and have an exciting and versatile history.
And not to forget, we are in the 20th. Century literally went through hell with what went down here, but still managed to rebuild us after this shit and that stronger and better than ever. Why shouldn’t I be proud of such a collective story?
As long as you do not go down and others are degraded, national pride is a healthy and important part of identity in my eyes
A healthy attitude!
National pride belongs to identity for me. There are roots I need for orientation and growth. The history of the Germans is far more than the Nazi period.
I don’t feel a national pride. For the nationality, I didn’t do anything I could be proud of. It was coincidence or fate depending on what you believe.
I would be happy if the collective consciousness of the national stumbling has been weakened or no longer exists. However, people are not knitted.
You’d be happy if mankind, as a whole?
Then what does Deutsche keep us together? What you write is a call to the end of Germany!
so seen there are wars because humanity does not see itself as unity. Every country wants to take its part. I understand the desire for peace. And I’m full of it. This is anarchical thinking, of which we are far away, it’s just the idea.
Is also understandable when it comes to fight or escape… One president is only oriented towards the welfare of his own economy and state. Imagine a state by giving every citizen the morality in the heart and no laws are required. In a world where everyone is pursuing the same goal, where human rights are above all. Human nature is only in a way.
I believe you.