NAT-Typ Nintendo Switch?
Hallo Zusammen, habe bei meiner Switch/ps5 trotz portfreigabe immer nur NAT Typ 3 bei meinem Glasfaser Anbieter. Habe mir jetzt zusätzlich eine dynamische IP dazu gebucht, sodass dies dann funktioniert. Weiß jemand woran das liegt, oder wo ich die Einstellungen einer dynamischen IP einstellen kann. Vielen Dank im Voraus. Mein Router Fritz Box 5530 Fiber
Anbieter: EON-Highspeed
I don’t know, I booked it all downstairs because the customer service had also said that I needed it. Only nothing has changed so far. 🙁
The public is the relevant one.
It’s probably already active, but it doesn’t change your Nat type first.
For Nat type 2, any ports must be forwarded to your switch. I don’t know what they are. I also do not know what this should be necessary for.
What is your specific problem? Doesn’t things work?
I don’t want to go to Mario Kart Lobby. I’m connected to the internet etc. and everything also loads but as soon as I go to the lobby, no connection to the players can be established because communication due to the NAT type does not work.
in the Ps5 the same, with some pleasures I do not play with others.