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1 month ago

If, for example, due to the broken nose, you have to permanently get bad air or fear other health complications, the probability is that the health insurance pays.

If you just want to let yourself operate so that the nose looks better again, it is your private pleasure and the normal statutory health insurance does not pay.

1 month ago

Only the health insurance is taken over, which is medically necessary. So if you have a health problem with the current nose, that will be corrected, of course. But if it’s just about appearance, it won’t be paid so a treatment makes sense even if there are health problems

1 month ago

my repeatedly broken nose in martial arts has been redirected at the expense of the health insurance company,

was never a beauty surgery

1 month ago

Hello, Bihas1262. 😊

You should be able to discuss this with your doctor….

It only depends on what the doctor assists you.

It should therefore be possible for you to pay the health insurance.

Greetings, Renate. 😊

1 month ago

As a rule, you have to pay a nose surgery yourself!

Unless your nasal walls are so crumbled that you can no longer breathe freely through the nose and have to breathe through the mouth in order to catch the air and, moreover, by inhaling the ice-cold air in the Winter, have got problems with your broncien, in the form of chronologically safe bronchitis!

However, you have to be very sick and literally carry the head under the arm so that the statutory health insurance is ready to pay this surgery!

Personally, no single person is known to whom the cashier would have paid this! A former friend of mine had an extremely long and bogus nose since childhood and felt very bad until adulthood because her nose really didn’t look. You too didn’t pay for the surgery! What I can’t understand until today!

She was in adulthood when she earned enough to let her nose be judged by her own money! The cash register didn’t pay for a tired Mark! The surgery was worth it! She’s been looking pretty pretty since then and got a nice, näschen looking lovely!

1 month ago

Why would you offer a beauty op? Of course you have to pay for it yourself.

My grandpa kicked a horse in the face as a teen. He had the tuber nose for his life.

1 month ago

a broken nose has nothing to do with beauty surgery

1 month ago

Rising sport. Beauty surgery is your beer