NAS – Lieber mehr Festplatten für Plex Stream?

Hallo, ich habe vor eine Synolgy DS423+ zu kaufen zum Streamen von Plex für bis zu 3-4 Personen. Ich möchte 8TB gespiegelt verbauen also in Summe 16TB.

Macht es das Streamen schneller wenn ich 4x4TB HDD einbaue oder macht es kein(/kaum) Unterschied 2x 8TB zu verbauen (mit der einfacheren Möglichkeit später noch aufzustocken) ?

Vielen Dank

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1 year ago


When it comes to streaming Plex, the number of hard drives usually doesn’t matter much for streaming speed. The performance depends more on the performance of the NAS and the network connection.

One way to accelerate streaming is to stream the data via a fast Ethernet connection (e.g. Gigabit Ethernet). The faster the connection is, the smoother and faster Plex can stream the data.

Regarding the storage space, I would recommend using 2x 8TB hard drives. This will allow you to upgrade later without any problems and add additional hard drives when you need more space. A RAID-1 mirror also provides additional security, as your data is mirrored on both hard drives.

In summary, it can be said that the number of hard drives does not make a big difference in the speed of streaming. More important is the performance of the NAS and the network connection. The use of 2x 8TB hard drives gives you the flexibility to upgrade later and offers additional data security through the RAID-1 leveling.

I hope this will help you. I am happy to be available for further questions.

Best regards
with technical greetings,

1 year ago

It won’t make any difference how you divide the panels, at least not in stream applications, because modern panels are faster and faster than the network connections. And even those are faster than the data rates required for Steaming applications.

1 year ago

If the film goes too fast, you probably don’t understand the story anymore. 😅

Let’s get Plex aside.

When you mirror the panels, the system will not be faster, the data will only be double. This increases data availability, but not speed.
If a plate is broken, the data is still available (on the other plate).

To increase speed, you could add the plates to a raid. Then the data would be evenly distributed, but would be able to be read by 2 records at the same time. So twice as fast as one. If one of them is broken, the data on both plates are broken because you don’t know what is missing.

The question is not only how many you install, but also how they are operated.

At 4 plates, you have several options.
Probably a Raid5 would be a good choice. The data are divided into several plates and in addition check sums are formed to compensate for the failure of a plate. that means at 4x4tb you could use 12tb and a plate might fail.

Nowadays, however, rare pure raid configuratons are used, but this is already in the file system. You save expensive raid cards and leave the CPU to count.

To get more speed out for your purpose, 4x4TB would probably be better than 2x8TB

1 year ago

The size/quantity is not decisive, but the technique..

Better watch good speeds and advanced techniques than on TBs