Narbe Gesicht?

Hallo hat irgetjemand eine Idee wie ich diese Narbe in meinem Gesicht los werde? Ich habe dort was weglasern lassen die gute Hausärztin hat nur zu tief rein gestochen daher ist es so tief ich habe 4 mal Micro needling Behandlung hinter mir ( sowie akutell auf dem Foto) ich habe schon einen Narben Roller ausprobiert Öl etc. Ich weiß nicht mehr was man da machen kann bitte um hilfreiche Antworten nicht wie lebe damit etc.

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3 months ago

domestic doctor

Honestly, this is also the wrong address…

what we glazed the good nursing has stabbed too deep

what was exactly done?
A laser is made of light, there is not “cleaned”…

have 4 times Micro needling treatment behind me

Where did you let her do it and how was it done?
Were there stabbed ordentlch deep into the skin with a proper device so that it has bleededed properly? Only then does a microneedling bring something.

have already tried a scar roller oil etc.

Well, you shouldn’t expect too much of that…

I don’t know what to do

well, a real and good microneedling can actually succeed. Of course it takes time. The skin has to heal after treatment and it is necessary to make several treatments at a distance of at least 8 to 10 weeks.

What can of course help is actually a laser…
A fractionated CO2 laser. Dermatologist or specialized aesthetic practice. There must also be several treatments

5 months ago

Don’t be angry, but where is your scar that bothers you? I don’t see anything, even though I really like it fast. :

5 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous608

You still don’t write where or mark the place. I think you should go to the doctor and have you examined psychologically.

Your problem is another and has nothing to do with a visible scar. :