Namen für Fantasy-Kreatur?

In meiner letzen Frage habe ich meine Buchidee vorgestellt und auch gesagt, dass ich den Namen meiner Fantasy Spezies nicht mag.

Kurz zusammengefasst: es sind Seelen, ohne festen Körper die andere Seelen nach deren Tod, in andere Körper transportieren (Wiedergeburt). Das ist sozusagen ihr Job

Habt ihr Ideen und coole Namen?

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3 years ago

If it is to be a German term (as your idea mentioned in your other question), the names of ferryman, soul attendant, soul guide and soul wearer spontaneously fall into my mind for such a being.

If it may also be something from other languages, then my ideas are Almallevar (composed of the Spanish words alma for soul and llevar for lead, but also carry and promote), Almaccin (again from alma and also accinere, Latin for accompany) and Ruhamrah (from the Persian words for soul and companion).

Otherwise you might give this name generator an inspiration for invented species.

3 years ago

Harbinger, souls of mighty shamans who now form a bridge between the spirit world and the world of the living and lead the souls of the deceased in their ways.

3 years ago

The restorers