Name im flugticket falsch geschrieben?
In meinem ticket ist ein n zu viel und ein i zu wenig im namen ist das schlimm und kann ich damit fliegen? Flug geht nach griechenland .
In meinem ticket ist ein n zu viel und ein i zu wenig im namen ist das schlimm und kann ich damit fliegen? Flug geht nach griechenland .
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With a friend it has already happened that instead of one öa oand the ticket had to be changed.
Make that clear in advance that the correct name is on your ticket!
as if I have already booked it
What did you book about? Turn to those responsible and say your name is wrong.
I’ll do it on Monday.
Yeah, they can change that.
Thank you
Keep the airline informed! The name on the boarding pass must not differ with that in the passport. There can be animal problems. In the case of intra-German flights, it is not so bad, as the passports are almost never checked there anyway, but after international flights in each case.
I flee within europas from Munich to Greece with aegean airlines
We once got mega problems with a flight from Hamburg to Ukraine when my wife’s second name was printed on the boarding pass. Only after very long telephone calls with the airline and waiting at the airport my wife was granted the flight.
That’s why it’s better to clarify the matter in advance.
My family always writes wrong, had not yet followed for us and we always fly to countries outside Europe
hmm you think I’m coming through and I mean is within the eu
Do not wish you to hang out at the airport
Do I get problems or can I fly normally?