Name für Masthuhn (Henne)?
Ich möchte mir bald eines dieser weißen Masthühner mitnehmen und privat halten.
Ich habe mir eine Henne ausgesucht, für die mir bis jetzt kein passender Name eingefallen ist. Vielleicht kann da jemand mit guten Vorschlägen nachhelfen?^^
You should not take single chickens but at least 2. Otherwise there can be a lot of stress.
I like simple and obvious.
Get three chickens. But only one of these whites on the picture.
Yes, but you should always integrate at least 2 chickens together into an existing group. Otherwise, the one thing will get right. With three, probably not so much, yet I would advise you to get two who know each other from this place. The chickens for love.
You’d rather be thrown into an existing group in your home with a friend. Alone is hard and chickens are much more brutal physically like people.
Flöckchen, Flocke, Ginger, Wolke, Stripes, Judy, maybe you like one of them
I’ll help you with the suggestion that a single huh dies of stress.
you need at least 3 chickens and one chicken.
as a name suggestion
snow white, snow white, rapunzel and for the hahn small prinz.
I hope you can keep them as kind as the chickens on your photo. They’re really good. chickens are not vegetarian by the way.
ps – these hybrid chickens are anyway not particularly old, so for example at 5 years is closing. You better get some old stuff. they are 10-12 years old.
It’s exactly three chickens I want to keep. But just one of these chickens.
I’m aware.
and a hahn. that needs. because even three chickens die from stress.
Snow White is a nice name.
That’s bullshit. Hens are good without a cock.
You can save your name. Chickens don’t live long. Most have to be killed after three months at the latest, as they are too heavy, can no longer run and only suffer.
These chickens are bred to weigh more than two kilos within 42 days. After six weeks, most of them are slaughtered. They are not meant to live longer. Accordingly, they are bred.
For ethical reasons, it is therefore impossible to keep a mastic as a pet. They die in a very short time either from circulatory failures due to the load on the weight or due to inflammations, as they become too difficult to run and get wounds due to permanent sitting/living.
In addition, broilers are very susceptible to diseases. If they’re with chickens of other breeds, they’ll get sick quickly. What normal chickens spread to pathogens do not stop these chickens. They’re plugged in.
There are so many beautiful chicken breeds where you can enjoy for a long time. I can only advise you to get another race. With a mastic, neither you nor the chicken will be permanently happy.
You’re acting pretty. Your information is also completely wrong.
No, these chickens are almost 7 months old.
True, but I’m not talking about the “most” chickens, but about those on the picture. These chickens even run and jump with their 2.5 kg. These chickens have hardly anything to do with the masthybrides that have to believe after 30 days. The chickens on the picture also live outdoors in the countryside. Susceptibility to illness would be a no-go.
Have you seriously copied your old comment before it was deleted?
Once again: these chickens are NO mastheons.
Yes, the holder doesn’t know, the proprietors don’t know…just you know. Good night.
If the holder has as much idea as you, I have my doubts…
No, I wrote the comment before you wrote yours (through frequent discussions I can already see how my counterpart will answer) but not send it. This is automatically stored in the comment function of Good Question. The comment on your comment you first read was the copied version of this.
They’re chickens. Hens and cocks. The holder I know will probably know better what he has in his stable than someone who looks at it from the outside.
Hennrich or Hans. It doesn’t matter that it’s a female.
Yeah, I thought of names like Fat Nugget, or Broiler.
Did you write this independently of my suggestion?
It was at once.
A Berta must be brown, I think.
Thick chickens are always called Berta.…69i57j0i22i30.4351j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Two stupid, one thought haha