Nähte nach Weisheitszahn op aufgegangen?
Hello, mir wurden am Montag zwei Weisheitszähne gezogen und mir ist die Naht aufgangen? Ist es sehr schlimm? Da ist auch was weißes dabei? Ich putz brav die Zähne habe auch kaum mehr Schmerzen. Am Montag habe ich wieder ein Termin beim Zahnarzt.
Are you sure the seam has risen? I mean, in the photo, I can see the knot of a seam. From my point of view, the loops only serve to lift the button a bit for threading.
the threads are always different when I like what drink or speak.
And I didn’t have that yesterday.
The threads in the mouth area are often sewn with self-dissolving thread, after time a loosening of the thread can result.
As long as this does not ignite or the like, everything is fine.
With me all 4 were pulled together at that time and I lost the first threads after about 4 days. It’s not important to work around and just leave them alone.
thanks, the seams should be pulled on Monday. Do you know what the white thing is?
I had to find out that we liked to catch food in the holes. You don’t see it yourself, but only when you pull it out. You can brush your teeth so well.
But that’s a mute massage with me, you can find out.